‘Yester Day’ Ha Chun-hwa “Husband appears drunk after first meeting… Conversation with a Curly Tongue”

[매일경제 스타투데이 진향희 기자]

Singer Ha Chun-hwa of ’60 years of debut’ reveals a love story with her husband.

Ha Chun-hwa appeared as the protagonist in the 9th episode of MBN’s music talk show’Life Album-Yester Day’ (hereinafter’Yester Day’) broadcasted at 9:50 pm on Friday, 8th, and the life story of Ha Chun-hwa and the 60-year-old singer Ha Chun-hwa. He plays a special life song.

On this day, Ha Chun-hwa recalls her first date with her husband, whom she met through the introduction of an acquaintance, saying, “It is a tremendous relationship to live as a companion among so many people.”

She continued, “If you usually go on a date, don’t you ask the other person when the time is okay? My husband informed me of the appointment time and location on his first date.

But I laughed at that appearance.” “That was December 31st, and my husband appeared late as drunk while attending the closing ceremony of the company. He said, “I tried to talk with my curled tongue in order not to give it a tinge to me.” He said, and reproduced the image of my husband at the time with a’synchro rate’ of 100%, making the studio a sea of ​​laughter.

So, when MC Kim Jae-hwan wondered, “There seems to be a special title between the couple,” Ha Chun-hwa said, “Honey, I couldn’t do it because I was shy about the title of you. I call my husband’Honey Show’. I have stored it like that on the phone,” he says. On the other hand, Ha Chun-hwa’s husband is known to have saved his wife as a’river angel’, and everyone is envious.

MC Ahn Jae-wook, who heard this, added, “I have saved my wife as’Sweet Angel’ on the phone”, and announces that she is a lover like Ha Chun-hwa’s husband.

Following Ahn Jae-wook’s question, “Will you marry your husband even if you are born again?”, Ha Chun-hwa makes everyone laugh with a cool answer in the world. Ha Chun-Hwa’s full story of marriage, “I live with a blunt but honest and sincere husband and trust,” is revealed in the 9th episode of’Yester Day’.

Meanwhile, as’Life Song Singer’, actor Kim Min-hee, singer Geum Jandi, Kim Yang, Suk-haeng, musical actor Jang Eun-ah, vocalist Son Tae-jin, singer Sonya, and’Boystrt’ Moon Yong-hyun, Jo Moon-geun, and Park Se-wook will appear on the stage of life songs for Ha Chun-hwa.

The 9th episode of MBN’s’Life Album-Yesterday’ will air at 9:50 pm on the 8th (Fri).

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
