Why isn’t the parking lot blocker up Security guard in 70s assaulted female in 30s

A woman resident in her 30s who abused and abused an officetel security guard in her 70s was arrested in court.

On the 21st, Judge Bae Ye-seon, who was exclusively for criminal 5 at Bucheon Branch of the Incheon District Court, sentenced A (36), a woman who was indicted without custody on charges such as special injury, to 1 year in prison and was detained in court.

Judge Bae judged that “the defendant was angry with the victim, who was in the position of the socially underprivileged, and did not reflect on or regret the wrongdoing even though he showed so-called’gum-jil’ behavior.” .

A, who lives in an officetel in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, was charged with driving a car into the underground parking lot in May last year, but when the barrier did not open, he went to the security office and struck the security guard B (74) with the corner of his mobile phone. Also, when his anger did not go away, he hit B’s shoulders and hips five times with a fire extinguisher and kicked his thigh several times with his feet.

Mr. A went to the security office to pay the parking fee a month after being investigated by the police for this incident, and met B again, and when Mr. B asked, “Do you have a word to say I’m sorry?” “I was charged again for assault by kicking his thigh.

He blamed Mr. B in the final statement at the decision hearing last month and claimed that his actions were self-defense. However, the court dismissed the prosecution against Mr. A’s alleged assault, as Mr. B said he did not want punishment. Mr. B was worried that he would not be able to receive the treatment fee properly, so he received 2.5 million won from Mr. A and wrote an agreement, but he did not receive an apology.

[인천 = 지홍구 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
