[SNS 핫피플] Italian police investigate Ronaldo for corona 19 quarantine violation

[SNS 핫피플] Italian police investigate Ronaldo for corona 19 quarantine violation
01-29 19:41

▶ Italian police investigate Ronaldo for violation of COVID-19 quarantine

Social media hot people, the first hot people are soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo.

Ronaldo and his girlfriend Rodriguez are dating at a ski resort.

Ronaldo is being investigated by the police for this video.

On his birthday, Rodriguez visited Ronaldo and famous Italian schema.

I uploaded the video I took here on my social media.

The problem is that the area where the video was taken was designated as the’Orange Zone’, which is a corona19 risk area in Italy.

It is a place where outsiders are not allowed to enter and move between areas.

Seeing that many people even uploaded videos in the viewing space, it seems that they were so happy that they completely forgot that they broke the quarantine rules.

As the controversy grew, Rodriguez has removed the video.

Ronaldo and girlfriend Rodriguez could be fined 400 euros per person if the investigation confirms they traveled.

▶ Actor Park Eun-seok, a controversy over distributing companion animals to alimony lawsuit

The next hot people are actor Park Eun-seok.

Actor Park Eun-seok, who revealed his presence through the drama’Penthouse’, was involved in a lawsuit for alimony of 5 million won this time following the controversy over distributing pets.

It was found that Park Eun-seok was sued in the Seoul Northern District Court in December last year.

According to Mr. A, who introduced himself as Park Eun-suk’s university senior and casting director, Park Eun-suk said that in a group chat room where theater actors and staff gathered in 2017, Mr. A is approaching actors for the purpose of casting. It is said that he has posted an article.

Mr. A sued him, claiming that the article was false.

In response, Park Eun-seok’s agency said, “I recently received a complaint and will respond clearly according to legal procedures.”

So far, it has been a social media hot people.

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: katok/line jebo23
