“Sexually assaulted in front of players, witnessed” Ki Sung-yong

[이데일리 정시내 기자] A and B, who claimed to have been raped by an elementary school soccer player Ki Sung-yong (FC Seoul) and an outpatient professor at a college, told the situation at the time. Ki Sung-yong denied all suspicions, saying, “Perfect obscenity”.

FC Seoul, Ki Sung-yong, recently caught in controversy over sexual assault. (Photo = Yonhap News)

On the 1st, the JoongAng Ilbo reported that Mr. A and B reported the victims of sexual assault through a telephone interview on the 27th.

Mr. A insisted, “I was forced to engage in similar sexual acts at least 10 times in about 6 months from January to June of 2000, when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school.”

He said, “I can’t forget the day I was called with B in around January,” he said. “They (Ki Seong-yong and adjunct professor) lay leaning on a locker in the soccer club’s group dormitory where 20 people sleep together. There were also several other members of the dorm. I made excuses because I didn’t want to do it that day. It was the day my father, who was in charge of the club, went overseas training, and when he cried,’I’m worried that my father’s plane will crash,’ another senior asked me not to do it today. So I made eye contact with B, who was alone next to him.”

Mr. B said, “That’s why I remember that day vividly. At the time, I felt betrayed by thinking that’Only A left alone’. I left it with A later and talked about that day. If you accused you of lying alone and slipping out, A made a bitter joke, saying,’Isn’t the person you did (Ki Sung-yong) become a big star?”

When asked,’Why couldn’t I say no,’ Mr. A said he didn’t like it, but he was assaulted or harassed, and Mr. B said that the circumstances of the house were difficult and that he thought he was weak.

They said, “I admit to the abuse” of the exposure of other victims who raped their juniors in middle school.

Mr. A said, “I apologize to the victims again. “I will go and apologize directly.” “In 2004, some of the juniors from the soccer team said that they assaulted and raped their juniors, and some of the juniors posted a post on the club’s bulletin board. At that time, the facts of the 10 victims were not all the same. Some just assaulted, some just molested, and some did nothing. However, all 10 people were punished and disciplined in the same name. Because of that, I was transferred to school and studied abroad. All the incidents in 2004 are true, and once again, I sincerely apologize.”

Mr. B said, “I am not claiming that the violence we have done is less than the violence we have done. I want to say that just because we are perpetrators doesn’t mean what happened in 2000 will disappear. Either way, the perpetrators should be punished accordingly.”

Next, when asked,’What is the evidence?’, Mr. A said, “I left all the evidence to the lawyer. It’s something the lawyer will judge.”

Finally, the two asked Ki Sung-yong to apologize.

Mr. B said, “We at least admitted to the abuse. But why aren’t the other side admitted? At the time, sexual violence took place in the presence of other players in the lodge. I think there may be a witness or another victim. I want someone with courage to come out.

Regarding the claim, Ki Sung-yong said, “It is said that such a thing started from the winter field training period. Especially, this period started from dawn and when the hellish schedule was over, it was exhausting. At the time, my schedule was full until night, and there was no environment where such shocking and harsh behavior would occur, avoiding the eyes of the director. There is evidence to prove this.”

“It’s an obvious false fact, and it’s completely obscene. We will steadily gather evidence of refutation and take legal action.”

On the other hand, netizens said, “Stop media play and reveal evidence”, “The statement is specific”, “A witness should come out”, “We must be punished so that no more crimes like harassment occur”, “Let’s not hunt witches”, etc. Showed a reaction.
