Minah Kwon from AOA “I was sexually assaulted when I was in junior high school…a celebrity I know face to face”

Photo = Yonhap News
↑ Photo = Yonhap News

Kwon Min-ah, from the group AOA, confessed her painful memories of her middle school days and mentioned Jimin from AOA again.

Kwon Min-ah said on an Instagram live broadcast yesterday (7th), “When I was a school student in Busan, my family was difficult and life was difficult. When I was in middle school, I was beaten with beer bottles by my seniors and fought and raped by a male senior. A celebrity you can tell by name. “I confessed shockingly.

He said, “My brothers who did bad things to me in Busan, my friend uncle who I knew, scolded me. I don’t know how my uncle knew about the incident, but he met the perpetrators in the bathroom and punished me. The perpetrators also apologized to me.”

Kwon Min-ah said, “I came to Seoul as if I was running to live a new life, but I did not have any physical difficulties because of my schedule because I worked a lot. I was all mentally ill. I really didn’t know that my mentality would move because of that kid (Jimin). Because of human swearing, I have all of my singing, appearance, body trauma,” he said, referring to Jimin from AOA.

He said, “There are a lot of gangsters these days, but the perpetrators were Hakbaek and Iljin classmates.” The teacher told me that the police had heard me. I cried out “Shin Ji-min” in a state of being in a state of silence. How long would I have been with it? I really can’t forgive, I don’t intend to forgive, I don’t want to take revenge, but I’ll get myself back If you touch me, I don’t intend to stay still. If you are a perpetrator, you have to admit what you have done.”

He also stressed that “the perpetrator has come so far with neither apology nor acknowledgment, and now I have no intention of accepting it even if I apologize”

Kwon Min-ah, a former girl group AOA, continued harassment from leader Jimin during her team activities in July last year.

They even made extreme choices by revealing that they were being beaten and vomiting pain.

※ If you have troubles such as depression, or have family or acquaintances who are experiencing such difficulties, 24-hour experts at the Suicide Prevention Hotline ☎1577-0199, Call of Hope ☎129, Call of Life ☎1588-9191, Youth Call ☎1388, etc. You can receive consultation.

