Italian tragedy… Corona confirmed 70s old man living alone died during self-isolation (total)

Italian ambulance. [ANSA 통신 자료사진. 기사 내용과 관련 없음]

picture explanationItalian ambulance. [ANSA 통신 자료사진. 기사 내용과 관련 없음]

A man in his 70s who lives alone in Italy died during self-isolation due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), giving regret to the local community.

According to daily La Stampa et al., on the afternoon of the 17th (local time), a 78-year-old man was found dead in an apartment building in Asti, northern Piedmont, by paramedics.

At that time, there was a 49-year-old son with a disability in the residence.

It is known that the man who died was recently diagnosed with Corona 19 and was in self-isolation.

The son said his father was in a critical situation, but he was unable to ask for help due to his disability.

The son, who lives in a nearby shelter, visits his father occasionally, and it is known that he stayed with him without returning to the facility after finding out that his father was recently infected with Corona 19.

This incident became known when a relative, who was taking care of the health of the man who died, did not answer the phone several times, so he called for an emergency.

The handicapped son, who was shocked by his father’s sudden death, is said to be resting under the protection of paramedics.

In the local community, it is an atmosphere of accepting this as an event that clearly shows the tragedy of the virus outbreak in Italy.

In Italy, facing the spread of mutations from the UK, the number of new confirmed cases per day has been pouring out around 20,000, and the capacity of frontline hospitals to accommodate patients has reached its limit.

Because of this, many patients with less severe symptoms have to self-isolate and self-medicate.

However, in the case of elderly people, the condition often worsens suddenly after a few days of infection. In particular, this is said to be frequent among the vulnerable, such as the elderly living alone in the blind spot of management.

In November last year, when the virus was in the midst of the second spread, a patient suspected of having Corona 19 infection waiting for treatment in the emergency room of a hospital in southern Naples was found dead in the bathroom.

As of the 17th, the number of new confirmed cases of Corona 19 in Italy per day is 23,59 and the number of deaths is 431. Cumulatively, the number was 3.81,810 and 103,432, respectively.


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