‘Hate crime’ even at the meeting site… Asian woman assaulted


In the United States, another hate crime against Asians is taking place even at a rally in honor of the victims of the Atlanta shootings. Nevertheless, Atlanta investigative authorities have yet to find allegations of hate crimes.

Correspondent Pilkyu Kim from Washington


People gathered with flowers in front of the Annandale Peace Girl, about 20 minutes from Washington.

This is a memorial event organized by a Korean-American organization for those who died in the Atlanta shootings.

[노은영/미국 버지니아주 주민 : 돌아가신 분들뿐 아니라 미국에 살고 있는 누구나 당할 수 있는 일이라는, 남의 일이 아니라는 생각을 하고 (나왔습니다.)]

A week passed, but voices continued to commemorate the victims and oppose racial discrimination in major cities, including the scene of the incident.

In the midst of condemning condemnation of hate crimes like this, other hate crimes have not ceased in many parts of the United States.

In New York, an Asian woman with her daughter was assaulted by a black man.

He stole the sign he was holding and threw him away, and when he protested, he punched him in the face and ran away.


In California, there was a rush of motorists to meeting attendees.

Despite the circumstances, Atlanta investigative authorities say the shooter, Robert Aaron Long, is currently being charged with malicious murder and aggravated assault.

Finding a hate crime charge is still a challenge.

[대니 세발로스/형사 전문 변호사 : 이번 사건은 증오범죄에 있어 중요한 도전입니다. 보통 왜 범죄를 저질렀는지에 관심을 갖지 않죠. 동기에 초점을 맞추는 증오범죄는 독특한 영역입니다.]

The controversy is expected to increase if the hate crime charges are dismissed in this case, which is only targeted by Asians.
