A Korean woman in her 80s who was’Do not ask’ assaulted… Serious hate crime


In the United States, where hate crimes against Asians have continued since the coronavirus crisis, this time a Korean woman in her 80s was assaulted for no reason. Previously, President Biden said that racial hate crimes were not like the United States, and voiced warnings of its seriousness.

This is Washington Correspondent Pilkyu Kim.


There are clear bruises on the grandmother’s face in the broadcast interview.

[낸시 도/미국 뉴욕 : 갑자기 쳐들어왔어요…. 그래서 이렇게 하는데 침을 얼굴에 뱉어서….]

On the 9th, a man approached Mr. Do, who was near a department store in New York, and suddenly punched him.

When Do-san, who fell on the floor and lost consciousness, opened his eyes, the man had already run away.

The suspect arrested by the police was a 40-year-old homeless man named Glenmore Nemberdra.

Local prosecutors are looking into the possibility of racist crimes.

Recently, as hate crimes against Asians followed, they pushed their grandfathers over 90 for no reason and attacked Asian couples on the street.

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, who has a Korean wife, has also warned of the seriousness of hate crimes.

[래리 호건/미국 메릴랜드 주지사 : 내 아내, 세 딸, 손자 모두 아시아계입니다. 사람들이 식료품점을 갔을 때 욕을 하거나 ‘중국 바이러스’라고 소리를 지르는 사람도 있었습니다. 한국에서 온 사람들이거나 미국에서 태어난 이들인데도 말이죠.]

Previously, President Biden also criticized crimes against Asians as unacceptable to the United States.

Although the regime has changed, the insecurity among Koreans is growing whether the seeds of racial hatred once sown will be deeply rooted.

(Screen provided: American ABC)
