53,000 Venture Employment Increases in Corona 19… #1 Market Curly

Venture business jobs and ICT services driven last year

Photo = Yonhap News

Photo = Yonhap News

In spite of the economic downturn caused by the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) last year, domestic venture companies have increased employment by more than 50,000.

Among them, the place that picked the most people was the online shopping mall’Market Kurly’.

The Ministry of SMEs and Startups announced on the 16th that the number of domestic venture companies employed as of the end of last year was 724,000,138, an increase of 7.9% (52,905 people) from a year ago.

Among the number of employees employed, the number of young people (aged 15 to 29) increased by 10.9% (18,529) to 188,000, accounting for 26.0% of the total.

About one-third of the new employees selected by venture companies last year are young people.

Women were 226,000, accounting for 31.3% of the total.

53,000 Venture Employment Increases in Corona 19...  #1 Market Curly

When looking at the number of employees who increased employment last year by industry, information and communication technology (ICT) services were the most at 21,000.

Next was distribution/service (9,66 people), biomedical (4,942 people), electrical/mechanical/equipment (4,754 people), and chemicals/materials (3,623 people).

Among individual companies, the employment of Curly, who runs’Market Curly’, increased the most.

Curley employed 1,48 people as of the end of last year, an increase of 688 (191.1%) from a year ago.

/yunhap news

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