3 people, including the Italian ambassador to the Democratic Congo, were killed in attack by militants

On the 22nd, soldiers patrol a road in the area of ​​Goma, where the Italian ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo was attacked and killed by militants. AFP Yonhap News

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Italian ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo was attacked and killed by an unknown militants on the 22nd (local time).

According to Reuters and the Associated Press, at around 10:15 am on the same day, a UN peacekeeper convoy vehicle was attacked by militants in ambush near Goma, a city on the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Three people, including the driver, were killed. It is said that the militants attempted to kidnap them. The reason behind the attack is unknown.

The United Nations said the victims were on their way to a school kitchen run by the World Food Program (WFP). Five people were on board, and three victims were also injured and other members of the UN force were taken to a UN hospital. An official from a local civic group told the Associated Press, “It is an area where two British people were kidnapped by bullies in 2018.”

Italian President Sergio Matarella and Prime Minister Mario Draghi expressed deep condolences to the victims and their bereaved. Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said in a statement, “The context of this attack is still unclear.” According to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the deceased Ambassador Atanasio took office in 2017 as the ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kinshasa, and was appointed ambassador in 2019. European Union Foreign Affairs and Security Representative Joseph Borrell also urgently informed the EU foreign ministers of the case and expressed condolences to Italy and the United Nations.

The area where this incident took place is the home of rebel groups. Due to the abundance of mineral resources, armed conflicts between the forces trying to occupy them are constant. According to the Associated Press, more than 2,000 civilians in the area last year died in the attack by militants.

Kim Pyo-hyang reporter

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