Yunho Yunho, who wore a mask at home, hits controversy over’illegal entertainment establishments’

[이데일리 박지혜 기자] While group TVXQ’s member Yunho Yunho, who showed thoroughness to the COVID-19 quarantine regulations, was caught by the police in an illegal entertainment establishment, a blow was inevitable even in advertising model activities.

Yunho Yunho was wearing a mask while conducting an Instagram live broadcast at her home on January 17th.

He said, “I’m trying to be a little careful at home” about the reason for wearing a mask at the time, and he was concerned about the corona19 infection ahead of his career as a singer.

However, MBC said through the’News Desk’ on the 12th, “When Yunho was caught drinking alcohol after 10pm after breaking the quarantine regulations, the attendees had a fight with the police and it was confirmed that Yunho tried to escape. “The place Yunho visited was registered as a general restaurant at the competent ward office, but in reality it was an illegal entertainment bar that operates only on a membership basis,” he reported.

The establishment was registered as a general restaurant in Gangnam-gu Office and was actually operated as an unlicensed entertainment bar in the form of a female employee entertaining customers.

Yunho Yunho (Photo = SM Entertainment)

Regarding this, Yunho’s management company SM Entertainment immediately issued a statement saying, “The facts and other contents were reported.” I never did anything wrong,” he stressed.

In the meantime, he explained, “I received a call from a friend saying that Yunho Yun-ho wants to consult her concerns and only went to the place where her friend asked him to come, and it was the first place he visited.”

On the 9th, the agency acknowledged Yunho’s violation of the quarantine rules, and the content is slightly different from the position it declared as “a restaurant in Gangnam”.

The agency claimed, “Yuno Yoon-ho only spent time with friends at that place, and there was no fact that female employees were present at all.” At the time of the crackdown, there were only managers at the site for payment, not female employees.

In particular, “Yuno Yun-ho did not attempt to escape at the time of the crackdown,” he said. “Rather, he sincerely cooperated with the police and related public officials in the execution of public affairs, and was immediately taken home after identification at the scene.”

He added, “In a situation where 10 or so plain clothes policemen suddenly came in and cracked down, some friends who did not recognize that they were police officers complained in embarrassment, but this happened regardless of Yunho Yunho.”

Meanwhile, it is reported that the Gangnam-gu Office is reviewing a plan to impose administrative dispositions for violating the quarantine regulations and operating an unauthorized entertainment bar upon the completion of the police investigation.

At the end of last month, Yunho Yun-ho was caught drinking at a bar in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, and was caught by the police after exceeding the business hours until midnight.

He apologized, saying, “I am very regretful and sorry for myself because I am so ashamed of not being able to meet the business hours while spending time meeting and talking with my friends.”

As of the 14th, I can’t find him in’Yogiyo’, a delivery app that featured Yunho Yunho as a model. The photo of Yunho Yunho, who decorated the first screen of the Yogiyo app, is also down.

Yunho Yunho, who has accumulated the image of’Passion Man’ who works hard on anything in the broadcast, is inevitable to hit the image with this incident.
