Yunho Yunho, who was investigated by the police, “Sorry for breaking the quarantine rules”

Yunho Yoo on Instagram
Yunho Yoo on Instagram

Group TVXQ, Yunho Yunho, posted a statement on his social network and apologized while being investigated by the police for not complying with the business hours limit, which is the second-level quarantine rule in the metropolitan area.

On the 9th, Yunho Yoo said, “I’m sorry. I was greatly disappointed to all those who believed in me and supported me so far,” he said. “More than anything else, I apologize and apologize to all those who are having a hard and exhausting day, including the medical staff who endure the difficult situation due to Corona 19.” .

Yunho Yunho said, “I was too embarrassed to be ashamed of not being able to meet the business hours while spending time talking with friends, and I think that many people were angry and hurt a lot because of my wrongdoing.”

He continued, “I regret and apologize for not paying more attention and for doing the wrong thing. I will become Jung Yun-ho who more thoroughly observes the COVID-19 prevention regulations and thinks and acts deeper every moment. Once again, I am sincerely sorry,” he bowed his head.

The Seoul Police Agency is investigating the charges of staying at a restaurant in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, from 10:00 to 12:00 at the end of last month on charges of violating the Infectious Disease Prevention Act.

The second-stage quarantine regulations, which took effect on the 15th of last month, limit the operating hours of restaurants, cafes, and singing practice areas to 10 pm.

The agency SM Entertainment said, “Yunho Yunho recently met three acquaintances at a restaurant in Gangnam and was investigated after exceeding the business limit. “There is,” he said.

Because Yunho Yunho has been evaluated as a’good living man’ image, in the entertainment industry, there is a reaction that it is unfortunate about’carelessness’.

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