Yun Suk-yeol’s disciplinary action was canceled… Chu Mi-ae’dilemma’, Blue House’perplexity’


Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae was really in a difficult situation when the court suspended the two-month disciplinary action of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol. It has become inevitable to criticize that they pushed for discipline without proper procedural legitimacy and fairness. In particular, the situation is even more embarrassing because Minister Chu has already announced that he will withdraw himself. President Moon Jae-in, who accepted Minister Chu’s request for disciplinary action as it was, was also hit hard.

This is Sung Moon-kyu.


Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae is expected to face a fierce headwind over whether the investigation command or orders for the prosecution against Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol were appropriate.

In particular, since the conclusion was reached after hearing the reasons for disciplinary action to be dealt with in the main lawsuit, criticism that it was an unreasonable disciplinary push cannot be avoided.

As the so-called Chu-yoon conflict deepened, even President Moon Jae-in stepped forward to emphasize the procedural legitimacy and fairness, but this also failed.

[강민석/청와대 대변인 (지난 3일) : 문 대통령은 사안의 중대성에 비추어 (법무부) 징계위원회는 더더욱 절차적 정당성과 공정성을 담보해야 한다고 했습니다.]

However, as the court judged that there was also a flaw in the resolution process for the disciplinary committee challenge, Minister Chu was further confronted.

While the conflict deepened, the presidential approval rating fell.

On the 16th, Minister Choo Mi-ae reapplied to the President for a two-month disciplinary action against President Yoon, and expressed his appreciation, which led to a narrowing of his position.

President Moon, who reapproved discipline, also became embarrassed.

President Moon even praised Minister Chu, saying, “I am particularly grateful for faithfully fulfilling the mission given by the times,” in a position where Minister Chu expressed his appreciation.

At the same time, he said, “I hope you will do your best to the end.”

The President’s remarks are also interpreted for reasons that cannot rule out the possibility of the second Chu-Yun conflict.

This is because there is a high possibility that Minister Chu will continue his work until the appointment of his successor minister is completed, and will be selected as the first candidate to be the first airlifter scheduled for the 28th or lead the prosecutor’s office early next year.

(Video Design: Kang Aram)

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