Yulia popped out when Navalni hit him… Putin empowered her static

Alexey Navalni and wife Julia. [인스타그램 캡처]

Alexey Navalni and wife Julia. [인스타그램 캡처]

In the Russian politics, the interest that is pouring into the name’Yulia’ is hot. This is the story of Julia Nabalnaya, 45, the wife of the same age as Alexei Navalni, who emerged as a political opponent of President Vladimir Putin. CNN introduced him as “Michel Obama of Russia” on the 27th (local time). In Russia, it is known as “the first lady of the opposition”. Last year, the Russian independent media Novaya Gazzetta selected’Protagonist of the Year’, beating her husband.

When Navalni was imprisoned by the Russian regime
Wife, anti-Putin political position grows
Called “The First Lady of Opposition”

When Navalni recovered from the poisoning terror on the 17th (local time) and returned to Moscow, he was immediately imprisoned, and it was Yulia who appeared in front of the support crowd. He cried out with a distinctive calm voice. “Alexey, neither I am afraid. I hope you don’t give in to your fears.” The crowd responded by calling “Yulia!”

Alexei Navalni (black in the middle) and Julia (right of Navalni) in protest.  AFP=Yonhap News

Alexei Navalni (black in the middle) and Julia (right of Navalni) in protest. AFP=Yonhap News

Julia is a secretary and lifesaver to Navalni, beyond his wife. When Navalni fell into a coma in August of last year after a poison terrorist attack, Yulia said, “I can’t believe the hospital in Russia (which made my husband in this area),” and asked “to evacuate to a German hospital.” When the Russian medical community objected, Yulia wrote an open letter directly to President Putin, who eventually allowed the evacuation to Berlin. On the way to the Berlin hospital, the moment I awakened from the hospital, and next to the economy class returning to Moscow, Julia was always next to Navalni.

Navalni also generously reveals his affection for his wife. After regaining consciousness after the terror, I wrote this on my Instagram account. “Yulia, you saved me.” The Instagram account, which is relatively free from the surveillance of the Russian government, is the platform they use mainly. In addition to their own pictures, they often share pictures of their sons and daughters. Daughter Dariya, currently a student at Stanford University in the United States, told the New York Times (NYT) in 2019 that “Russian teens like us don’t like Putin. And we’ll have the right to vote soon.” It is both still and motherly.

Alexey Navalni and his wife Julia regain consciousness in a Berlin hospital.  AP=Yonhap News

Alexey Navalni and his wife Julia regain consciousness in a Berlin hospital. AP=Yonhap News

The wife of the Russian opposition leader was not originally in Yulia’s life plan. He is an ambitious economics student, and after completing an internship abroad, he joined a bank in Moscow. Then, on vacation in Turkey in 1998, he met Navalni and fell in love. They married in 2000, and Julia quit the bank. It was to support the husband’s anti-Putin movement and support the children. She minimized her presence and took on the role of her husband’s secretary. AFP Communications commented on him as “an indispensable existence to Navalni.”

Public support for Julia is strong. [인스타그램 캡처]

Public support for Julia is strong. [인스타그램 캡처]

However, the situation changes as the Russian regime continues to crack down on Navalni. Yulia came out from the dark to the sunny. It is while gaining the position as a fighter for democracy on par with her husband in the guardian of her husband. As Navalni was imprisoned immediately on the 17th, public opinion that Yulia should instead run as a member of the Russian House of Representatives Duma is also boiling.

Alexey Navalni's family.  My daughter is a student at Stanford University in the United States.  AP=Yonhap News

Alexey Navalni’s family. My daughter is a student at Stanford University in the United States. AP=Yonhap News

Yulia is also in the eyes of the Russian regime. Before her husband, CNN reported that there was also a situation of toxic terrorism against Yulia. Yulia, who left her home to attend a protest calling for the release of Navalni, was immediately detained and released when public opinion worsened. Yulia is now Russia’s fighter for democracy, as noted as her husband. In a YouTube interview with Russian independent journalist and filmmaker Yuri Dud, he said, “Everyone wants me to tell Alexey’let’s stop’, but it won’t happen.” said.

Reporter Jeon Sujin [email protected]
