Yu Yu, Seoul Councilor “Welcome to Heukseok 2 Redevelopment Zone, the first candidate site for public redevelopment”:

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport data © National Land Daily

[국토매일=박찬호기자] The Seoul City Council member useful 15Public redevelopment pilot project announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and Seoul OneTea candidate site selection result Heukseok2We welcomed the inclusion of the redevelopment area..

Participated in the competition last year 70There are already maintenance plans in place. 12Heukseok is the final candidate selected as a result of screening.2area(1310)Including 8Where everyone has business 10These are existing maintenance areas that have been delayed for more than a year.. Gun in the candidate site 4,700For female households, the project will be promoted in a way that improves publicity instead of easing regulations in the future. 4,700Will be supplied as furniture.

In particular, Heukseok, located along the Han River among candidate sites, is close to Gangnam.2The district is attracting attention as a good thing for redevelopment.. 2008It was designated as a maintenance area in 2012 and a promotion committee was formed the following year, but the project was stopped.2The area is 2It consists of a general residential area and a semi-residential area, and the floor area ratio is 450% The following applies. In addition, there are many low-rise shopping malls, so the current residence 270It’s only furniture, but after redevelopment, 1,310I increase with furniture.

Rep. Yoo Yong Based on the consent of the residents, the project for each stage is established without a hitch·Emphasizing that development should be completed and implemented, it is expected to become a successful exemplary case of improving the quality of life through the improvement of the aging residential environment in the city center.Said.
