Yu Myung-hee resigns, who said she coordinated with the United States, but she wanted herself, but she was very dry

Myung-hee Myung-hee, head of the Trade Bargaining Headquarters of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, announces the resignation of the WTO secretary-general candidate at the Seoul Government Complex on the 5th.  yunhap news

Myung-hee Myung-hee, head of the Trade Bargaining Headquarters of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, announces the resignation of the WTO secretary-general candidate at the Seoul Government Complex on the 5th. yunhap news

Myung-hee Myung-hee, head of the trade negotiations headquarters of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, who resigned after challenging the secretary-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO), has already announced his intention to resign from last year, but it was confirmed that the Blue House was held back.

General Manager Yoo held an unscheduled press conference on the afternoon of the 5th and announced the resignation of the WTO secretary general candidate. At an interview, he explained, “We have been in consultation with major countries such as the United States to draw consensus (all agreements) for the next secretary-general of the WTO, but we resigned in consideration of the necessity of revitalizing WTO functions. He added, “The US government also respected the decision to resign, and based on this, (Korea-US) has been closely coordinating.”

Headquarters Yoo, who entered the election for the secretary-general in June last year, passed the first and second rounds (consultation with member states) and became two finalists. However, in a preference survey conducted in October last year, he was nominated for the Nigerian coagulation site Okonjoyweala. The tide was so inclined that 102 out of 163 member states supported candidate Okonjoyweala. If the results of the preference survey were lagging, it was customary to succumb to the candidate and resign, but when he did not resign, the international community criticized him for “going out too hard.”

When the Trump administration, which supported Yoo headquarters in response to the Chinese-backed candidate Okonjoyweala, lost the presidential election in November last year, the’justification’ to retain more candidates disappeared. It was around that time when Director Yoo announced his intention to resign to the Blue House.

However, the Blue House deterred Yoo’s resignation. A key official from the Ministry of Industry said, “Right after President Biden was elected last year, President Yoo said that there was virtually no possibility of winning, and he will resign. But at the Blue House, he said,’Let’s wait until the Biden government makes a decision.’ In the end, it seems that the Blue House continued to withhold the intention to resign, which was announced by Director Yoo Jin-i, and even the Biden administration reluctantly accepted the opinion of Yoo’s resignation.

Various interpretations come out of the Blue House’s decision to stick to the Yoo headquarters’ card despite the inclination of the market. A member of the opposition party who was familiar with the internal affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “The Blue House considered this challenge of General Manager Yoo as a’making the second Ban Ki-moon’ operation and devoted all efforts to it.”

He said, “Of course, there was a side to consider the face of the Trump administration.” “Only Yu, the general manager of Thong, is in trouble,” he said.

Eventually, President Moon Jae-in ran like a’diplomatic mission’ by calling with Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to appeal for support for Candidate Yoo. done. The US Trade Representative Office (USTR) issued a statement shortly after President Yoo announced his intention to resign and said, “We are pleased to express our strong support for Candidate Okhonjoyweala as the next secretary-general of the WTO.”

Sejong = Reporter Kihwan Kim [email protected]
