YS son Kim Hyeon-cheol “Ween, nuclear power plant in North Korea … must be revealed to bring down the crime”

Kim Young-sam (YS), the second son of the former President, Kim Hyun-cheol, Executive Director of the Kim Young-sam Democratic Center.  News 1

Kim Young-sam (YS), the second son of the former President, Kim Hyun-cheol, Executive Director of the Kim Young-sam Democratic Center. News 1

Kim Hyun-cheol, executive director of the Kim Young-sam Democratic Center, insisted on the Moon Jae-in regime’s suspicion of promoting the North Korean nuclear power plant. did.

Kim Young-sam, the second son of the late President Kim Young-sam, supported candidate Moon Jae-in in the 19th presidential election and left the Democratic Party in 2019. At the time of the 21st general election last year, he participated in the campaign to support candidates for the Future Integration Party (now the power of the people) as an individual.

Executive Director Kim said on his Facebook page on the 31st, “The biden administration of the United States is absolutely impossible to negotiate without North Korea’s denuclearization and has decided to stop handing over its opposition rights to South Korea.” He said, “They are openly displeased with the Moon Jae-in regime, which has been obliged to North Korea, while responding as inappropriate.”

He said, “Even in such a situation, President Moon Jae-in appointed a pro-North Korean person to the new foreign minister and continued to delay the ROK-US coalition training, and decided to discuss with North Korea.”

Executive Director Kim also said, “We tried to shut down our nuclear power plants while incapacitating our world-class nuclear power plant technology, and then carried out a shocking national flag disorder to support nuclear power to North Korea, which threatens us with nuclear weapons.” The introduction is also quite late, and it is causing resentment, but there is a crazy voice that the vaccine will be given to North Korea if it remains.”

[김 상임이사 페이스북]

[김 상임이사 페이스북]

In an article posted two days ago, he said, “Will South Korea strongly instruct the shutdown of nuclear power plants and support nuclear power plants to North Korea, which is threatening with nuclear weapons? Only insanely would the President of the Republic of Korea promise unimaginable nuclear power to the enemy North Korea? “Isn’t this the right thing to do right now, as well as impeachment according to the transfer act?”

He also evaluated that “The Blue House’s strong response to legal action against the opposition representative who raised an extremely reasonable issue in this regard will worsen the situation even more with the risk of a thief.”

Reporter Seok-Hyun Ko [email protected]
