YouTuber Yoo Jung-ho tries to choose an extreme early morning… wife, “It’s okay. Please refrain from reporting”

Famous YouTuber Yoo Jung-ho was taken to the emergency room in the early morning of today (22) trying to make an extreme choice. The situation was urgent enough to dispatch paramedics and police, but fortunately, there is no harm to life.

On this day, Yoo said, “I loved you. Thanks, my friends. I really thought of myself as your friend. After helping for 10 years, I haven’t taken care of it until the end. Sorry. Thanks for being my friend anyway. I have no friends. When I was famous, everyone looked for help, but since I’m retired, I can’t get any help anymore.”

He continued, “Thank you for liking me for 10 years. I have no more power. Thanks for liking me, who is not popular now. Hello really. No power now. Thank you and thank you for helping my neighbors together for 10 years. Even if you don’t have me, give me a job. You have to pay for the formula. I loved you friends. Thank you for making friends with me.”

He called her daughter’s name and said, “Dad loved you so much. I’m sorry that my dad is ugly.”

At the time, Yoo’s writing was a mess. It seems that he was in a difficult situation. The netizens, who had a foreboding this, reported to the police, and Yoo, fortunately, passed a big hurdle.

Yoo’s wife said, “I am Jung-ho’s wife. Thank you for your concern. Fortunately, it was found with the help of paramedics and police officers and is in the emergency room. I had to look carefully, but I’m sorry. Please refrain from reporting any further. When my husband wakes up, I will tell you the progress. I’m sorry,” he reassured netizens.

Reporter Joo-won Choi, Digital News Team
