YouTuber Jo Du Pal “Boyfriend strangles and beats him”… Sudden deletion after disclosure, why

조두팔's Photos Instagram Capture

조두팔’s Photos Instagram Capture

YouTuber Jo Du-pal (real name Jo Su-jin) posted a post that he had been bullied on a date by his boyfriend and then deleted it. He is a YouTuber with 420,000 subscribers and has uploaded videos on various topics such as Vlog, makeup, eating, and plastic surgery reviews.

On the 6th, Jo Du Pal said on his Instagram on the 6th, “He hated violence the most, and even though he knew what happened when I was young, he violated me every time he said goodbye.” It is presumed that the’that person’ Jo Du Pal pointed to is his boyfriend. Jo Du Pal also revealed his boyfriend on YouTube last October.

Jo Du Pal said, “I was a person I could lean on until I thought about getting married, and now he was a person that I couldn’t have enough to be everything.” I was very tired and I hated it because it was related to women.”

He continued, “Whenever there were such things, we quarreled a few times. The more we quarreled, the more the person’s hand habits got worse and worse, and in the end, he went to the worst situation.” I wanted to die,” he expressed his heart.

On this day, Jo Du Pal wrote on his Facebook page, “This is the first time that a real person is disillusioned like this. Is it what a person will do when he comes in after drinking and strangles him. I really can’t stand it.”

Currently, both Instagram posts and Facebook posts have been deleted.

Reporter Jang Joo-young [email protected]
