#Youngpyeonggun #Charming #NG #Pinned by Yoo Min-gyu of’Queen of Iron Man’

Actor Yoo Min-kyu. tvN’The Iron Man’ still cut

Actor Yoo Min-gyu, who played an active part in tvN’s Saturday and Sunday drama’Queen Iron Man’, said goodbye.

Yoo Min-gyu was the half-brother of Cheoljong (Kim Jeong-hyun) in’Queen Cheol-in’ and as the captain of the gold guard, and played the role of Yeongpyeong-gun, who is always second in front of love and power.

As the story turned towards the end, Yoo Min-gyu conveyed the feelings of the demise of Hwa-jin (Seol In-ah), who secretly admired him, and the pain of Yeongpyeong-gun, who lost those he loved by the news of Cheoljong’s succession and death.

In the process, until the character, who has always lived as someone’s shadow, showed his or her true nature, there was Yoo Min-gyu, who tried to truly understand and empathize with the character more than anyone else.

Before the final episode of’Queen Iron Man’, Yoo Min-gyu said, “It was great to be able to work with a good director, actors, and staff, and it was a time to learn many things through this work. The breath between our actors and the staff is so good that it is very regrettable to break up.”

The mindset of Yoo Min-gyu, who challenged the historical drama for the third time after’Queen of the 7th (2017)’ and’Myeongbulheojeon (2017),’ was also unique. Regarding the difference from previous works, “I thought that it was a little easier to perform a historical drama tone thanks to the works I did before, because the role I played was larger than the previous works. I can’t.”

Finally, Yoo Min-gyu said, “The work’Queen Iron Man’ is a work that taught me a lot in acting and made me have another experience. Thanks to the director and seniors, I think it will be remembered as a very grateful work for me that allowed me to grow a lot. Thank you so much for continuing to love’Queen of Iron Man’,” he said with a regretful goodbye.

Following are the questions and answers of Yoo Min-gyu released at the management forest.

Q. How do you feel about the end of’Queen Iron Man’?

▶ It was great to be able to work with a good director, actors, and staff, and it was a time to learn many things through this work. The breathing between our actors and staff is so good that it is very regrettable to break up.

Q. This is the 3rd historical drama challenge after’Queen of the 7th’ and’Myeongbulheojeon’. What’s different from previous works?

▶ As the role I played in my previous works has grown, I prepared with more responsibility and focused, and thanks to the works I did before, I think it was a little easier to act in a historical drama tone.

Q. Are there anything specially prepared for the Yeongpyeong-gun character? What is the charm of Yeongpyeong-gun that Yoo Min-gyu thinks?

▶ Since Yeongpyeong-gun is a martial artist, I prepared for action acting and horseback riding as a basis, and I tried hard because I wanted to do some scenes by myself. Youngpyeong-gun was able to ascend to the position of king, but without doing so, I thought it was attractive to think of the difficult people, to try to make a good country with Cheoljong, and to love and wish for a woman even though she knew that it could not be achieved. .

Q. Yeongpyeong-gun was in the middle due to the difference between Cheoljong and his values, but tried to move forward with him. What was the reason and feelings Youngpyeong-gun helped and supported his younger brother Cheoljong?

▶ Despite being in a higher position, Cheoljong always treated his elder brother and showed recourse to Yeongpyeong-gun. Moreover, since it is a relationship that allows us to share and understand the pain of the past, it seems that Cheoljong was able to do more for Cheoljong and Yeongpyeonggun.

Q. Yeongpyeong-gun’s unrequited love was even more sad because it was a love that could not be fulfilled. What was your effort to breathe with Hwajin?

▶ It is a love that can never be achieved with Hwajin. When I look at Hwajin or protect it from the side,’I hope I feel comfortable as much as when Hwajin is with Yeongpyeong-gun. I hope you can rely on it again. I acted with the mind that I can do anything for this woman.

Q. What was the atmosphere on the set while the drama was constantly updating its own highest ratings and gathering topics? I am also curious about how you breathed with the director and actors.

▶ I think I was able to cruise because the director pulled the scene well. The director carefully grabbed the character, and he also filled in a lot of what was lacking. The seniors also had the time to think about and discuss the scene with good advice for their juniors, including me, and the breathing at the scene was so good that they are still very close to the actors who acted together.

Q. In particular, you had a lot of scenes with Cheoljong and Hong Byul-gam, but is there a memorable episode?

▶ Since there is always a lot of filming for three people, the shooting time was tight, so the person who gave the dialogue NG decided to pay a fine. When I was making a bet, I remember that I was nervous and laughed at each other, so all three of them were fined so much that they did nothing.

Q. What kind of work do you think’Queen of Iron Man’ will be remembered for Yoo Min-gyu, if you say your last greeting to’Youngpyeong-gun’?

▶’Queen of Iron Man’ is a work that taught me a lot in acting and made me have another experience. Of course, when filming, it was difficult and I had a lot of worries, but thanks to the director and seniors, I think that it will be remembered as a work that I am very grateful for. I want to tell Yeongpyeong-gun that I have suffered so much, and I want to say my last greeting to thank you for being able to do this character.

Q. Please say a word to the viewers who loved’Queen Iron Man’ and Yeongpyeong-gun.

▶ Thank you so much for loving’Queen Iron Man’. I will see you with more works and good looks in the future, so always be healthy and have a happy new year. Thank you.

Yoo Su-kyung reporter

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