Young-sun Park, “Thanks to Poonglim Pharmatech, Mid-term and Samsung employees” for the performance of K-syringe

Young-sun Park, “Thanks to Poonglim Pharmatech, Mid-term and Samsung employees” for the performance of K-syringe

Revision 2021.02.19 15:18Input 2021.02.19 15:18

[아시아경제 오주연 기자] Park Young-sun, together with the Democratic Party Mayor of Seoul, praised Poonglim Pharmatech, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, and Samsung employees while appreciating the performance of a special syringe for corona 19 vaccination.

This special syringe, which was recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is being produced by Poonglim Pharmatech in Korea, and has the advantage of minimizing the amount of internal vaccine after injection. The characteristic feature is that the remaining vaccine in the syringe can be used’squeeze’, resulting in a 20% increase in production.

On the 19th, Candidate Park mentioned that President Moon Jae-in visited the Gunsan plant of Poonglim Pharmatech on the previous day and said, “I am very fortunate to finish the syringe problem and leave the mid-term.”

On that day, through Facebook, Candidate Park also revealed an anecdote about a special syringe.

Youngseon Park, on K-syringe performance
In addition, former Minister Park Young-seon, a candidate for the Mayor of Seoul’s Democratic Party, visits the Central Vaccination Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 18th and watches a clean bench demonstration. / Reporter Yoon Dong-ju doso7@

He said, “(President Moon) received a report of the problem of a squeezed vaccine in December last year, and the word’support with all your heart’ comes to mind.’ CEO Poonglim, who hesitated in, said,’If so, I have to do something for the country’. Thank you all.”

Candidate Park said, “I have had a few hurdles after that, but I am deeply grateful to Poonglim Pharmatech CEO Jo Hee-min, daughter Cho Mi-hee, and Poonglim Pharmatech staff, who trusted me every time.”

In addition, he posted an article stating that he would like to purchase a special syringe from Korea in Japan, adding, “Vice President Cho gave us a discussion on export issues to Japan, but I honestly have a little trouble.” Earlier, Candidate Park emphasized, “It is said that Japan discarded the vaccine because it could not obtain this syringe.”

He also expressed his gratitude to the SMEs and Samsung employees. In particular, Samsung Electronics has dispatched manufacturing experts to establish a special syringe mass production system to improve productivity and support automatic syringe assembly facilities.

Reporter Oh Joo-yeon [email protected]
