Young-seon Park “Vertical Garden Citizens Care”-Sang-ho Woo “Three Bits Floating”

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 A preliminary candidate for the Seoul Mayor of the Democratic Party, along with Woo Sang-ho, is making a vision presentation at the '4.7 Re-election Contest for Seoul Mayor Candidate Election' held at Layer 57 Studio in Seongdong-gu, Seoul on the 21st.

A preliminary candidate for the Seoul Mayor of the Democratic Party with Woo Sang-ho is making a vision presentation at the “4.7 Re-election Contest for Seoul Mayor Candidate Election” held at Layer 57 Studio in Seongdong-gu, Seoul on the 21st.
Ⓒ Yonhap News

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4.7 Seoul Mayor’s By-election Candidate Sang-ho Woo, who was in the Democratic Party nomination contest, criticized candidate Park Young-seon on the 21st for his pledge of’Vertical Garden City’ saying, “A landmark? Candidate Park Young-sun refuted, “The vertical garden has landmarks (characteristics), but the existing buildings can also be recycled.”

On the afternoon of that afternoon, Candidate Woo, who took part in the LANSeon contest for the election of the Mayor of Seoul, held in a studio in Seongdong-gu, Seoul and broadcast live on YouTube, focused on criticizing Park’s pledge. Candidate Woo said, “The vertical garden pledge does not contain the desperate sorrows of the common people. It does not contain the hopes of the frustrated youth,” he said. “I ask you to withdraw the promise.”

Woo “Vertical garden, not like the Democratic Party” vs. Park “What Seoul citizens care for”

Candidate Woo said, “Even though the vertical garden city looks good, he said he will plant 5000 trees in that building,” and said, “We also announced a plan to make the road underground and build it on it.” Candidate Woo further downplayed it by saying, “We will make it a landmark in Seoul,” and “a pledge not like the Democratic Party.”

He said, “I asked many lawmakers, ward mayors, city councilors, and ward councilors, but everyone said that there was no place to build in their area,” he said. “It is a pledge that is difficult to win in the finals.”

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  Park Young-sun, together with Democratic Mayor of Seoul, is making a vision presentation at the '4.7 Re-election Contest for Seoul Mayor Candidate Election' held at Layer 57 Studio in Seongdong-gu, Seoul on the 21st.

Park Young-seon and the Democratic Party mayor of Seoul are making a vision presentation at the “4.7 Re-election Contest for Seoul Mayor Candidate Election” held at Layer 57 Studio in Seongdong-gu, Seoul on the 21st.
Ⓒ Yonhap News

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Candidate Park immediately refuted. In this day’s speech, Candidate Park, who actively promoted the’Vertical Garden City’ and ’21 Minute City Seoul’, actively refuted Candidate Woo’s remarks while taking time to answer citizens’ questions.

Candidate Park said, “The number of thousands of trees to plant in a vertical garden can be hundreds of trees per the size of the neighborhood, or 1000, 2000, or 3,000 trees.” “The garden is what the citizens of Seoul cultivate,” he explained.

Candidate Park emphasized that “Seoul City needs to be transformed,” and emphasized that “the 21-minute multi-nuclear city can solve the commute hell, rent problem, and Gangnam real estate problem caused by urban concentration.” Candidate Park seemed to refrain from criticizing candidate Woo’s pledge.

Sang-ho Woo “My brother will create a lot of jobs for people with severe disabilities and people with disabilities due to a traffic accident

Meanwhile, Candidate Woo received a question about the pledge of the disabled in the order of answering questions from citizens by random lottery during the event. “I felt a lot of feelings about living as a family of people with disabilities and how difficult and difficult it is to live as a disabled person.”

Candidate Woo said, “We will first remove various obstacles that hinder people with disabilities from moving,” he said. “I want to create a Seoul where people with disabilities can work equally like non-disabled people and earn income to live a normal life by creating many jobs for the disabled.” .

The event, which was broadcast live on YouTube, was watched by about 2,400 people. On the side of Candidate Park, Lee Se-dol 9dan, and on the side of Candidate Woo, Jang Cheol-young, former Blue House administrator appeared in a video and gave a support speech. The Democratic Party mayor of Seoul will conclude with the last TV debate on the 25th. The contest begins on the 26th, and the final candidates are decided on March 1.
