Young-seon Park “Seoul, 21 minutes into a living area city”… Ahn Cheol-soo is the first registration of symbol number 4

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong (center) attended a basic housing debate held in Yeouido on the 26th.  On this day, 50 active lawmakers were named as co-organizers, and more than 20 lawmakers attended the event. [국회사진기자단]

picture explanationGyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung (center) attended a basic housing debate held in Yeouido on the 26th, with former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun (left) and Rep. Sang-ho Woo (right), candidates for the Mayor of Seoul under the Democratic Party. On this day, 50 active lawmakers were named as co-organizers, and more than 20 lawmakers attended the event. [국회사진기자단]

As the former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun officially declared a run for the run, the competition for the re-election by the mayor of Seoul rose. Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, completed the registration of preliminary candidates directly, saying, “We will serve as a bridgehead for regime change.” The power of the people also entered the election mode by selecting participants in the preliminary contest with former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon and former hospital representative Na Gyeong-won.

On the 26th, former Minister Park Young-sun held a Citizens’ Report Meeting at the Small and Medium Business Central Center, saying, “If you overcome Corona 19, you can achieve a great transformation in the lives of Seoul citizens.” Announced the vision. In particular, regarding the urban space and real estate policy, he explained, “We will reorganize into a compact city where everything is solved in 21 minutes,” and “We will reorganize Seoul into 21 decentralized multi-nuclear decentralized cities and transform into a decentralized self-sufficient city of 500,000 people.” did. Former Minister Park presented Yeouido as a representative example, and laid out a blueprint to make parks and smart farms by undergrounding the roads from Parliament Building to Dongyeouido, and to change the Parliament House, Parliament House, and Communication Center into cultural and entrepreneurial facilities if the National Assembly relocates.

As former Minister Park, who won first place in the pan-passport, is running, it is expected that a full-fledged competition will unfold. On this day, former Minister Park said, “I have an expectation that I would like to support each other and compete shoulder-to-shoulder with each other,” he said to a Democratic Party member with rival Woo Sang-ho. Rep. Woo also replied through social network service (SNS), “Let’s save the party through goodwill and beautiful competition and build a platform for victory together.”

It is also of interest that it will achieve unity with the Open Democratic Party in order to win the contest and gather support. Earlier, Congressman Kim Jin-ae of the Open Democratic Party had agreed to unify with Congressman Woo. Former Minister Park also responded positively, saying, “It would be nice to meet (three people),” and “I was interested in seeing the new idea of ​​candidate Kim Jin-ae, an urban architect.” Some observers say that the Justice Party is experiencing internal confusion over the sexual harassment controversy, which will hinder its preparations for re-election. Although the reader has revealed the policy to complete the race, it could emerge as a variable for unifying criminal passports as former CEO Kim Jong-cheol withdrew due to a sexual harassment incident.

The Democratic Party decides whether to vote on the 2nd-4th of the following month, starting with the reception of candidates (January 27-29). After that, the election campaign will be held from February 9th to 25th, and the final candidate for the mayor of Seoul will be confirmed on March 1. On the other hand, the opposition competition clock is flowing faster than the passport. Representative Ahn has already completed registration as a candidate for the mayor of Seoul, and the power of the people also dropped 40% of the candidates for re-election candidates.

Ahn Cheol-soo, the representative of the National Assembly Party (left), is entering the Seoul Election Commission for preliminary registration for the mayoral by-election in the morning of the 26th.  Former lawmaker Na Kyung-won (center) is making gimbap at a women's job experience event held in Yeonnam-dong, Mapo-gu.  Former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon (right) visits a taxi company in Doksan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, and answers questions from reporters.  [국회사진기자단]

picture explanationAhn Chul-soo, the representative of the National Assembly Party (left), is entering the Seoul Election Commission for preliminary registration for the mayoral by-election in the morning of the 26th. Former lawmaker Na Kyung-won (center) is making gimbap at a women’s job experience event held in Yeonnam-dong, Mapo-gu. Former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon (right) visits a taxi company in Doksan-dong, Geumcheon-gu, and answers questions from reporters. [국회사진기자단]

The opposition runners also started preparing in earnest. On this day, CEO Ahn Chul-soo visited the Seoul Metropolitan Election Commission and completed registration of candidates with’No. 4′. They refused to join the power of the people and showed their determination to compete in the election race with the signboard of the People’s Party. Representative Ahn raised his voice, saying, “I left the house with the feeling of a soldier leaving for the front line,” and “I will serve as a bridgehead for regime change.” The People’s Strength Nomination Management Committee also announced candidates to participate in the preliminary race. In Seoul and Busan, 8 and 6, respectively, passed the pre-verification. Considering that there are 14 and 9 prospective candidates for Seoul and Busan, the number of passers is slightly more than half. It is interpreted as a pavement to secure morality through thorough pre-verification as the re-election is due to the sexual misconduct of the passport. Influential candidates, former Liberal Korean Party leader Na Gyeong-won and former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, and others passed the cutoff, and Lee Seung-hyun, who was recruited as a counter-horse for Ahn Cheol-soo, was also on the list.

The power of the people is planning to hold a vision storytelling presentation on the 29th, and a party member vote (20%) and citizen polls (80%) on the 3rd to 4th of the following month. The four candidates to participate in the main contest are scheduled to be selected on the 5th of next month.

[성승훈 기자 / 박제완 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
