Young-seon Park “Korea is a country of literary arts” Sang-ho Woo “Women is strong”… Happy Birthday Praise

A post by Park Young-sun, former Minister of SMEs and Startups, on Facebook on the 24th.  Facebook capture

A post by Park Young-sun, former Minister of SMEs and Startups, on Facebook on the 24th. Facebook capture

On the 24th, President Moon Jae-in’s 69th birthday, along with former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun and Woo Sang-ho, who ran for the Seoul Mayor’s by-election, congratulated President Moon Jae-in on his 69th birthday.

Former Minister Park Young-sun said on his Facebook and Twitter this morning, “I congratulate President Moon Jae-in on his birthday today. The Republic of Korea is a state possessed by Moon Jae-in,” and congratulated, “I miss the time I had already discussed policies with the President at the State Council.”

The day before, on the 23rd, he shared the Twitter of President Moon, who unveiled the birthday celebration of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying, “I am congratulations too. Korea is a country that has Jae-in Moon!!!” he left.

In addition, former Minister Park recently replaced social network service (SNS) profile photos such as Facebook and Twitter with photos taken with President Moon.

Former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun Twitter profile picture.  Twitter capture

Former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun Twitter profile picture. Twitter capture

Park Young-sun, former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business, Facebook main screen.  Facebook capture

Park Young-sun, former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business, Facebook main screen. Facebook capture

On this day, Rep. Sang-ho Woo also said through Facebook, “Today, January 24th, when I strengthened my hope and determination to move forward, is the 69th birthday of the President. At that time, congratulations on your birthday with that heart.”

He said, “I think of today four years ago. January 24, 2017. It is the day when the Democratic Party has confirmed the method for the election of the 19th presidential candidate,” he said. “Through this, we are able to meet the Republic of Korea and the President, which we have never met before. I am able to have a country like a country and a strong president,” he wrote.

President Moon Jae-in's birthday message posted on Twitter by Rep. Sang-ho Woo.  Twitter capture

President Moon Jae-in’s birthday message posted on Twitter by Rep. Sang-ho Woo. Twitter capture

The reason that the two candidates announced the message of President Moon’s “Happy Birthday” through SNS is interpreted because they had the Democratic Party in mind. It is a love call for the vote of the party’s parent (parent Moon Jae-in) who will influence the outcome of the contest.

Accordingly, the opposition mayoral candidates in Seoul saturated with problems such as the remarks of former Minister Park Jae-in Moon. They said, “I was surprised and deplorable to hear the words of a candidate running for the mayor of Seoul and who is responsible for the situation of the Moon Jae-in regime as a minister of the regime.” I feel sad about shouting’Munbieocheonga’” (Oh Se-hoon, former mayor of Seoul), and criticized that “the ruling party mayor candidates”faithful competition’ is unfamiliar” (Kim Geun-sik, professor at Kyungnam University).

Reporter Han Young-hye [email protected]
