‘You Quiz’ side, controversy over recruitment of medical students from science high school “Occasion of reflection” (official)

‘You Quiz on the Block’ side recently apologized for the controversy related to the guest.

On the 11th, tvN entertainment program’You Quiz on the Block’ apologized for the controversy over inappropriate guest selection that arose over the episode aired on the 6th through official SNS accounts.

Photo = tvN

In the broadcast, Youqueser, who was a graduate of Gyeonggi Science High School and passed six medical schools at the same time, appeared. Viewers raised the question of applying to medical schools by graduates from science high schools operated to foster gifted children through national taxes after the broadcast went out.

When applying to a medical school affiliated with Gyeonggi Science High School, it is necessary to withdraw the amount of scholarships received during enrollment and cannot receive letters of recommendation. Although there may be no legal problems, some pointed out whether it is inappropriate public relations because there is a method of exploiting it as an expedient.

In this regard, the production crew said, “The special feature of You Quiz’Contains’, which was the last broadcast, is planned to convey how each person has lived with something valuable in their lives.” I gave it. We sincerely apologize for this.”

“In the meantime, the You Quiz production team has felt great pride and a sense of accomplishment in producing a broadcast that remains a valuable memory for the performers as well as content that is sympathetic and comforting to the viewers.” I am sorry to leave a bad memory for the performer. Our production team was able to look back and reflect on a lot of things with this opportunity.”

The’You Quiz’ side said, “From the summer of 2018 to the winter of 2021, I felt indescribable happiness with the great history of ordinary people so that ten seasons change. In the future, we will continue to reflect on our initial mindset to create a broadcast that will keep pace with the trends of the times and breathe with the emotions of our viewers, and we will approach with better content.”

In addition, he ended the article by saying, “Thank you for sending valuable criticism opinions so that we can grow.”

Reporter Kang Bo-ra [email protected]

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