“You Quiz” in the 20s saying “It’s a draw. Ji Hoon-ah at the age of 20” [SS리뷰]

[스포츠서울 박효실기자] When singer Rain was in her twenties, when she was full of passion, she encountered her own words and fell into trouble.

On tvN’s’You Quiz on the Block’, which aired on the 3rd,’Born in the Era’ was aired. On this day, a world star who was ahead of the times, singer and actor Rain, the protagonist of’Kang’ syndrome, appeared.

When asked how he had been after’Sakthree’, Rain was criticized after promoting it from the very beginning, saying, “A new album came out in 3 years.” Rain said, “I left my big brother (Yoo Jae-seok) and Linda G’s sister, and I sang with Park Jin-young, who was more breathtaking, and it was better than I thought.”

The album to be released this time is’Why Don’t We’ with singer Cheongha. Rain said, “This dance is very easy,” and said, “I don’t learn,” Yoo Jae-seok said, “I don’t learn.”

Yoo Jae-seok asked, “Is there anything you want to be ahead of the times?” and Rain said, “I went ahead a little, and it seems like I was a little bit like the sunglass dance.” Regarding the’Simulation 10 Article’, which contained the rules that told him not to do something, Rain said, “It was about steaming me somehow. It was a culture with the intention of teasing me. At first, I was sad, but I embraced the proper intellectual quality.”

Suddenly, I had a time to read aloud the past words of Rain, which has been 24 years since his debut. When Yoo Jae-seok read the passion phrase, Rain denied, saying, “I did this? No. Didn’t Yun-ho do this?” As the shriveled words continued to come out, Rain said, “Hyung, it’s been a long time since it’s been a long time, but why are you doing this? I’d like to steam it. Why are you making people like this. I’m going to sue.”

However, the words that Rain denied very much appeared on the radio and did it directly. “Sometimes, when I was so tired, I just slept, I must practice the next day and I think,’This is a draw.”

Rain recently confessed to her feelings that she is getting older and it is too hard to take care of her body. He said, “Don’t you eat two chicken breasts every day? If you are addicted to this, it tastes like blackfish because it’s a little bit fragrant.” Rain recalled having used a kettlebell in the past to take care of the body and said, “I still do it now, but for safety, I like exercising my bare body better than an instrument.”

As a result, Yoo Jae-suk raised a refutation, saying, “I’ve been hitting a lot of weight at the gym with Kim Jong-guk recently,” and made the rain a’draw’ again.

Jo Se-ho asked, “What is the house scenery after marriage,” and advised, “You have to pick up toys one by one. But now, enjoy yourself more.” “I actually had a short honeymoon period. I’m a honeymoon baby. I advise you to have a longer honeymoon period.”

How does it feel to live as a singer rain? Rain said, “Thank you. I wanted to be loved this much. But at the time, it seemed like it was too hard to show something else.” When asked, “Why was it so fierce at the time?” I thought.”

“But now I have changed my mind and I can’t do it while having fun. If I make a mistake, I feel like I’m comfortable with what I’m tired of. When asked what he wants to say to Rain in his 20s, Rain said, “To Ji-hoon, 20, what would it have been like to live comfortably with the luggage on his shoulders laid down. I wonder what it would have been like to have a more family.”

Rain asked, “If I could go back to the old days,” he said, “I want to go back to my junior high school days. I want to be nice to my mom. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a meal, and I couldn’t buy a bouquet. A chicken in my right hand, or two. A mother with a shopping cart in her left hand is vivid. I have been living alone for a longer time now.”

Rain’s video letter followed. He said, “If I have time now, I want to stay quietly in my mother’s arms when I meet my mother again. My beloved mother has been separated for 20 years. I think I have kept the two promises when I broke up. I think I’ve kept my younger brother well. That’s why I am proud as a father as a son. Thank you for always watching me.”

Rain, who was in a sentimental mood, suddenly said “You Quiz?” and disappointed the MCs because he couldn’t answer. After being criticized, “Have you seen an alternate program?”, I was asked “You Quiz?”, but I noticed “Block” and replied and laughed.

Meanwhile,’You Quiz’ is broadcast every Wednesday at 8:40 pm.

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Photo Source|tvN
