‘You Quiz’ Brave Girls Yujeong “Part-time job experience in the past’Infinite Challenge'”

Brave Girls appeared in’You Quiz’. tvN broadcast capture

Brave Girls Yoo Jeong shared a special relationship with Yoo Jae-seok.

In tvN’You Quiz on the Block’, which aired on the afternoon of the 17th, Brave Girls, who started on the military soldier chart’Millboard (military + Billboard)’ and writes the myth of reverse driving appeared.

On this day’s broadcast, Eunji said, “I still don’t feel it. But, as the schedule gradually increases, I feel it.” Yoo Jung added, “I can’t sleep well and do phone interviews while moving in a vehicle.”

Also, Yuna mentioned, “I thought that the album in 2020 was the last album. So there was no hope.” Yoo Jeong said, “I studied Korean history during the blank period while preparing for a job. I thought I had to get a job.” Yuna conveyed her feelings at the time, saying, “I got a barista license.”

In particular, Yoo Jae-seok released a picture saying, “I knew that I had a relationship with Yoo-jung today.’Infinite Challenge’ came out during the year-end settlement.” Yoo Jae-seok, who saw the photo, said, “Why is your expression so bad?” and made a laugh. In response, Yoo Jung said, “My sister got a job as a writer for’Infinite Challenge’ and worked part-time 10 years ago.”

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