“You might make a third decision”… Trump announces announcement of presidential election in 2024

Former US President Donald Trump is speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Orlando, Florida, on the 28th of last month. Orlando=AP Newsis

“I can make a third decision.”

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has revealed the possibility of running for the next presidential election in 2024. At the first speech after retirement. He officially denied that there was no plan to establish a new party that was rumored to be.

According to foreign media on the 28th (local time), former President Trump said in a speech at the CPAC held as an annual event in Orlando, Florida, “I made a third decision to defeat them (Jo Biden’s regime). You can do it,” he said. He repeatedly claimed that the Democrats “stealed” the presidential election, saying, “4 years later, the Democrats may have to pack their bags at the White House.” He made the issue of presidential fairness again, opening up the possibility of running for the third presidential election after 2016 and last year.

It was 39 days after former President Trump retired on January 20 that he officially spoke. The speech that day was interpreted as a signal to resume political activities. The New York Times in the United States said that Trump knows the popularity of the Republican supporter for him, and that he is likely to mobilize conservative forces to prepare for the next presidential election.

He denied that the founding of the new party was not true. “It’s’fake news’ in some media that I’m trying to create a third party,” he said. “I’ll stand on the side of the brave Republicans gathered here and fight the radical Democrats and fake news media for the next four years.”

Kwon Gyeong-seong reporter

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