You found another vault at a casino like 14.5 billion that disappeared like a persimmon?

Jeju Shinhwa World Casino without veil

picture explanationJeju Shinhwa World Casino without veil

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Cash of 14.5 billion won disappeared from the landing casino in Jeju Shinhwa World, but more than half of the money was found in other safes in the casino. What happened?

The Jeju Provincial Police Agency found 8.15 billion won inside the casino while investigating the case where 14.56 billion won disappeared from the landing casino.

The police estimate that this chunk is part of the lost money.

The place where the money was found is one of the vaults exclusively for VIP customers in the customer-only locker at the landing casino.

The storage space is 50m2 (approximately 15 pyeong), and there are dozens of safes for VIP customers in the form of cabinets installed inside.

It is known that the size of the VIP safe is different, and the landing casino side and the police said that they could not confirm the size of the safe.

Eight foreigner-only casinos in Jeju usually have such safes for VIP guests.

An official at another casino said, “In order to attract VIP customers, most casinos have separate customer safes.”

The official added, “We keep cash here to induce customers to revisit,” he added. “Casino customer safes are only different in that a large amount of cash is stored, but you can think of them as a kind of locker in the bathroom.”

However, it seems that most of the employees of the landing casino were not aware of the existence of such a safe for VIP guests.

An official from the LEK branch of the Jeju Tourism Service Union, a landing casino union, said, “Although there is a safe in the casino currency exchange office, most of the employees did not know if there was a separate VIP safe or if there was a large amount of over 14.5 billion won in the casino.

Dozens of high-definition closed circuit (CCTV) units are closely installed inside the storage room.

According to the police, Mr. A in charge of Malaysian nationality money management, who is the main suspect in this case, was not a customer, but was using three or four VIP safes.

It is reported that Mr. A stored 14.5 billion won of funds from Hong Kong Landing International, the parent company of Ramjeong Entertainment, which operates a landing casino, in his VIP safe.

If so, what VIP vault was the 8.15 billion won?

The police are in a position that they cannot reveal the owner of the safe as a matter under investigation.

However, it is known that Mr. A’s accomplices, Mr. B, a Chinese in his thirties, and Mr. C, in his thirties, are investigating as being related to the safe.

According to a police investigation, Mr. A took a set procedure and took the money from the safe.

According to the safe management regulations, Mr. A accompanied the employee who kept the casino keys and took the money from the safe. To open the VIP vault, you must have two keys each held by the customer and the company.

The police believe that 8.16 billion won, estimated to be part of the lost money, was also stored in another VIP safe according to the procedure. The police are checking the serial number of the money to see if some of the missing money is correct.

Until now, it is estimated that Mr. A took the money he had stored in his vault, delivered it to Mr. B, and put it in the VIP vaults they managed.

The police are sticking to the position that they cannot confirm whether B and C are the owners of the VIP vault where the money was stored, or whether they are the simple managers of the VIP vault.

There are many CCTVs inside the storage room, but it is known that there is no record at the time of the crime because it is a system that deletes the existing recorded video after about a month.

The police have secured CCTV storage media and are recovering the video at the time of the crime using digital forensic techniques.

At the same time, the police found billions of dollars in cash in Jeju City, where Mr. A stayed, and are confirming whether the found money is part of the lost money.

Previously, Ramjeong Entertainment (hereinafter Ramjeong), which operates a landing casino, confirmed that the 14.56 billion won in Hanwha cash stored at the casino had disappeared on the 4th, and sued the police for embezzlement of Mr. A.

Mr. A has lost contact with him since he left last year’s holiday.


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