You can tell my sister, Nancy Lang’s debt is 980 million, 11 months of monthly rent.

Nancy Lang reveals the latest
“From home mortgage to debentures”
‘Tears’ on expert advice

'You can tell my sister' / Photo = SBS Plus video capture

‘You can tell my sister’ / Photo = SBS Plus video capture

‘You can tell my sister,’ Nancy Lang shared the latest situation after the divorce.

Pop artist Nancy Lang appeared on SBS Plus’You Can Tell My Sister’, which aired on the night of the 7th.

Nancy Lang revealed the house where she currently lives alone, saying, “I always have too much hair”, and showed an unorganized appearance. Kim Won-hee, who watched this, said, “In the original TV, there is a lot of dust, but it is a little bit severe.”

He said, “My acquaintances cleaned it. After that, I immersed myself in the work and left it for three months.” Lee Ji-hye asked, “Isn’t laundry easier than other tasks?” Nancy Lang said, “It takes a long time to wash and put it in the dryer. I get up the next day and go to work, and then I forget. I take my clothes out and put on my clothes.” Everyone was surprised by the fact that they were eating three meals a day.

Nancy Lang caught the eye by revealing that he was in debt. He said, “At first, the debt started with 800 million won. My ex-husband said,’Macau’s mother and sister live well. Let’s have a wedding in Macau if we hold on to it.’ I took the bonds and made me sign it. I didn’t give my husband directly, but told me to send the borrowed money to an account somewhere.. I’m an artist with no fixed income, but it’s been almost 3 years now, so now it’s 980 million won. I confessed that I had to pay 6 million won for debentures a month.

Also, about the house where I live now, “I was born and lived in a monthly rent officetel for the first time. The deposit is 20 million won and it is 1 million won per month. The monthly rent has been pushed for 11 months. I’m getting out of the deposit. I borrowed an empty house without a deposit or monthly rent from acquaintances. “I’m working on it.”

Joo-eun Lee, a couple counselor, said, “I feel like an’adult child’ while listening to Nancy Lang’s story. I’m so upset.” He said that he was a lonely person who needed people around him, and Nancy Lang shed tears. Nancy Lang replied, “I think I knew it unconsciously. I was embarrassed to do it because I was honest,” and replied, “It helped a lot because I appeared.

Visiting Reporter Sowon Shin [email protected]

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