‘You can tell my sister’ Nancy Lang, daily life after divorce… Impact of “Cup Ramyun is the staple food”

SBS Plus’You Can Tell My Sister’ Capture © News1

Pop artist Nancy Lang revealed the current situation after the divorce.

On the afternoon of the 7th, Nancy Lang appeared in the SBS Plus entertainment program’Can I Talk to My Sister? Nancy Lang asked her sisters, “I lived alone in my mid-40s, but it was very difficult. How can I live well by myself?”

Nancy Lang’s house, which was released soon, was far from’clean’ despite being newly built. The dust and hair are clearly visible, as well as the spiders living in the bathroom, making MCs astonished. Nancy Lang said, “Why do you accumulate a lot of dust and dog hair every day. Am I the only one?”

Kim Won-hee, who watched the self-video, asked, “When was the last time you did house cleaning?” Nancy Lang said, “After I moved to that house, my acquaintances arranged everything. After that, I couldn’t do it for three months because I was only immersed in the work.” The laundry was left unattended.

In particular, Nancy Lang said, “The biggest problem is eating,” and “My only food at home is cup ramen. I eat cup ramen three times a day. It’s also the fastest to eat.”

In response, Wonhee Kim said, “Before that, did you not have a domestic helper for a long time?” Nancy Lang said, “I’ve been together for 10 years, and I broke up after getting married.”

Nancy Lang confessed that she owed 800 million won in debt to her ex-husband at the beginning of her marriage. When it was said that they were paying a whopping 6 million won per month, the MCs were very sorry.

Nancy Lang said, “Because of my father’s absence, I was broadcasting as the head of a family. When I had a great desire to create a family, I became a target (of my husband) and got married. It tricked me into “.

Nancy Lang sought advice from experts. In particular, married couple counselor Lee Joo-eun said, “I want to live well by myself, but Nancy Lang seems to need people too much.” As soon as she heard this, Nancy Lang was crying.

An expert said, “I can see an adult child from Nancy Lang. It is an adult child who can feel the heart of a young child even though he is old.” .

Nancy Lang shed tears. He confessed the reason for showing tears, saying, “In a way, I was lonely, so I made a mistake in my choice. There is something sad. I knew that word unconsciously. I was embarrassed because I was honestly stabbing.”

As an old friend, Lee Ji-hye expressed her heartfelt regret. He said, “If you cross a big hurdle, you will mature. You will be able to do well,” he said. Nancy Lang said, “A lot of trouble has been resolved. I’m really happy today.” Kim Won-hee cheered, “I hope Nancy Lang’s future will overflow with joy.”

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