“You can die, but it’s meaningless to survive under military control”… Myanmarians go to the streets again

Police and protesters confrontation in the capital Naepido.  2021.3.4

picture explanationPolice and protesters confrontation in the capital Naepido. 2021.3.4

Despite the worst bloodshed after a coup in which more than 38 people were killed by military and police shooting, the citizens of Myanmar went back to the streets on the 4th.

According to local media and foreign media, several hundred to 1,000 protesters flocked again from the morning in Sanchaung-gu, the Fateh population, and Hlaing-gu, the largest cities of Yangon.

In Yangon, six people are known to have died in a military and police shooting in North Okalapa the day before.

In Insein-ro, Hlaing-gu, protesters set up barricades with trees and garbage bags to prevent the military and police from cracking down.

A plastic bag of water left by protesters on the road in case of tear gas.

picture explanationA plastic bag of water left by protesters on the road in case of tear gas.

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In addition, when the tear gas burst, a plastic bag filled with water was tightly placed on the floor so that the face could be washed.

In addition, the local media frontier Myanmar reported that a line around the protesters was hung and a cloth or traditional skirt was hung on top of it to prevent snipers and military police from “aim shooting”.

The media also reported that in the process of dissolution of the protesters in the capital Naepido, the military and police fired rubber bullets and fired live ammunition in the air to fire warning fire.

Frontier Myanmar said that the injuries have not been confirmed yet.

In Mandalay, medical students also went out to the streets with banners with slogans for military condemnation.

Activist Maung Saungka told Reuters, “We know we can be shot and killed at any time, but living under a military regime makes no sense.”

On this day, in Mandalay, the funeral of Chial Shin, who died after being shot by a military policeman the day before, was also broadcast live through social media.

Military jets flying over Mandalay.  2021.3.4

picture explanationMilitary jets flying over Mandalay. 2021.3.4

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In the midst of this, in the Mandalay region, scenes of five jet planes flying in flight in the morning were posted on local SNS one after another, raising concerns of public sentiment.


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