You and I are’debts’… Credit loans and negative bankbooks surge in the new year

Enter 2021-01-10 10:53 | Revision 2021-01-10 11:03

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This year, as the KOSPI exceeded 3,000 for the first time in history, and the stock market is on the rise,’debt investment (investing through loans)’ is showing an overheating pattern. Four days after the New Year is bright, the balance of credit loans has increased by about 500 billion won, and the opening of negative bankbooks is also rapidly increasing.

According to the five major commercial banks of KB Kookmin, Shinhan, Hana, Woori, and NH Nonghyup on the 10th, the total credit loan balance as of the 7th was 134.101.5 billion won.

Compared to the end of last year (133 trillion 648.2 billion won), this year’s 4,53.4 billion won has increased on the 7th and 4th business days.

New credit loans (limited transaction loans or automatic bankbook loans) through negative bankbooks also jumped from 1048 cases on December 31st last year to 1960 on the 7th. This year, the number of people who created new negative bankbooks has doubled.

Accordingly, on the 1st to 7th of this month, a total of 7411 new negative bankbooks and the balance of negative bankbooks rose 241.1 billion won (46,531 billion → 46,772.1 billion won).

An official from a commercial bank said, “Since the stock market has become so hot from the beginning of the year, it is estimated that the demand to invest in even negative loans has increased.”

Credit loans seem to have increased as banknotes closed major credit lending windows at the end of last year to manage the total amount of household loans, and then reopened little by little this year.

Last year, the credit loans of the five major banks soared to 133 trillion 6925 billion at the end of November as the life tragic due to Corona 19, ‘spirits’ and ‘debts’ overlapped, and then decreased by 44.3 billion KRW to 133 trillion won in December. It recorded 6482 billion won.

After the increase in credit loans reached a record high (4,849.5 billion won) in November, banks regulated the DSR (Total Debt Principal Repayment Ratio) for high-income people’s large credit loans, and reduced loan limits and preferential interest rates according to the guidelines of the financial authorities. In addition, it is the result of’temporary suspension of credit loans’.

However, before and after the Lunar New Year holidays, major banks’ sales of flagship credit loan products have resumed.

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[자유민주·시장경제의 파수꾼 – 뉴데일리]
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