Yoon Seok-yeol’s alumni related leader is also excited… Political Theme Stock Investment Advisory

Photo = Yonhap News

Photo = Yonhap News

As Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol declared his resignation on the afternoon of the 4th, the items mentioned as related stocks were shaken. As a typical politician theme stock trend, investors’ attention is required.

On the 4th, Seoyeon, classified as the so-called Yoon Seok-yeol theme stock, ended the transaction at 13,450 won, which rose to 29.95%, the price limit. For the same reason, Seoyeon Top Metal, Deokseong, and Deokseongwoo also recorded the upper limit. Seoyeon Ewha also finished the deal at 9970 won, up 27.98%.

In the morning, as the media reports that Yoon will express his gratitude, related stocks have attracted attention. At 2 pm, as President Yun expressed his gratitude, the rise increased and reached the upper limit. President Yoon said, “I will protect liberal democracy no matter where I am,” and the influence that opened the possibility of advancing into the political world was large.

The basis for the attention related to Yoon Seok-yeol is personal connections. Seo Yeon’s outside director, Yoo Jae-man, a lawyer at Kwangjang Law Firm, has been attending school with President Yoon Suk-yeol for two years since 1981. He is also a former prosecutor of the special case manager. However, as Yoon was late for the judicial examination, Yoo has 16th Judicial Research and Training Institute, and Yoon has 23rd.
Attorney Yoo is also an outside director of Samsung SDS. Deokseong-do, CEO Lee Bong-geun, and Kim Won-il, outside directors, were grouped as related stocks for reasons such as being alumni of Seoul National University Law School.

The politician theme-ju craze repeated every time Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong and Lee Nak-yeon, together with Democratic Party representative, emerged as presidential candidates. For example, Namsun Aluminum, which received attention as a stock related to Lee Nak-yeon in early April, fell 44.86% from its peak after a sparkling rise and returned to the stock price before the surge. Seongan, which was related to Lee Jae-myung, surged from 300 won in coin stock in early January to 1385 won in early February. On this day, Seongan recorded a lower limit (-29.91%) with the sale of the owner’s stake in the news of the embezzlement of funds of 20 billion won in its subsidiary. This is why experts advise that individuals should not invest in politicians’ theme stocks by saying,’I only need to eat and fall.’

Reporter Go Yoon-sang [email protected]

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