Yoon Seok-yeol returns to the post of president after 9 days, orders corona response… I don’t have a report on the nuclear investigation

Input 2020.12.25 17:18 | Revision 2020.12.25 17:26

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol returned to work on the 25th, who was judged by the court to suspend disciplinary action. It’s been nine days after being suspended. After his return, President Yoon ordered the first order to respond to the novel coronavirus (Corona 19). He did not receive any reports on the investigation of pending issues such as the’Wolseong Unit 1’incident.

According to law enforcement officials on the 25th, President Yoon took a public car to work at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul around 12 noon, presided over the’Corona 19-related Countermeasures Meeting’, and ordered the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office and the national prosecutors’ offices to comply with three things.

On the afternoon of the 25th, Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who returned to work following the citation of the administrative court’s request for suspension of the enforcement of the disciplinary disposition of the prosecutor general, is coming to work at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul. /yunhap news

First, Yun said that the prosecutors’ offices at various levels, including the Seoul East District Prosecutors’ Office, share information closely with the court, the correctional bureau of the Ministry of Justice, and the competent police in order to ensure the quarantine and safety of criminal justice facilities.

In addition, they were asked to prioritize criminal law enforcement and investigate serious criminal cases first. In order to avoid contact, it was ordered to reduce summons and actively utilize video and online surveys through mobile phones and e-mails. In order to reduce the number of subpoenas per day, he was also asked to summon them with prior approval from the branch chief and deputy prosecutor.

Since the right to access and transport with lawyers is a fundamental right under the constitution, video and telephone booths were provided at each level of prosecutors’ offices and detention facilities to ensure maximum protection.

President Yoon is scheduled to come to work as a great prosecutor on the 26th at 2 pm on the 26th to receive a report on the work during the period of suspension and the adjustment of the prosecutor’s and police investigation rights. The issues of each department are gathered, and the chief prosecutor Moo-gon Jeon reports to Yoon.

It was observed that Yoon would receive reports on the suspicion of manipulating the economic feasibility of Wolseong Unit 1 upon returning to work, but there was no such report on this day. On this day, General Yoon settled lunch with a lunchbox with Deputy Prosecutor Cho Nam-gwan and Secretary General Bok Doo-gyu.

As President Moon Jae-in approved the two-month suspension on the 16th, Yoon’s duties were suspended. Since then, the 12th Administrative Division of the Seoul Administrative Court (Deputy Judge Hong Soon-wook) cited the request for suspension of execution the previous day by President Yoon’s side against the Minister of Justice. Right after the court’s decision, Yoon said, “I deeply appreciate the judgment of the judiciary. I will do my best to protect the constitutional spirit, rule of law, and common sense.”
