Yoon Seok-yeol raised your presence?… Chu Miae “At least you should have listened to me well…”

Former Minister of Justice Choo Mi-ae. [사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationFormer Minister of Justice Choo Mi-ae. [사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

Former Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae said to former Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol, who resigned on the 4th, saying, “It’s going as I expected,” saying, “There is no such thing as a cause for political agitation and victim cosplay and taking this as a cause to participate in the presidential election.”

Minister Choo said, “His political ambition has already been rumored to be full of rumors, and he beckoned to continue coming out in the politics,” he said during an interview with MBC Radio’s “News High Kick of Citation.”

He added, “(Former President Yoon) seems to have calculated to get out after maximizing the appearance of the victims who are oppressed by this regime.”

“For prosecutors, neutrality is the same as life, but former president Yun violated neutrality and made political remarks from time to time,” said Minister Chu.

After going through the so-called’Chu-Yoon Incident,’ he asked whether he actually raised the political presence of former President Yun. “If I raised it, at least listen to me, but in the National Assembly, the minister’s subordinates “It’s not,” he said confidently.

Regarding President Yoon’s words, “I will do my best to protect liberal democracy and protect the people in any position,” he dismissed as “political remarks, close to incitement. The Supreme Power Declaration.”

He said, “When I entered as a real minister, the’Yoon Division’ really existed,” he said. “There were cases where very strong forces, grouped around the special container, violated human rights through bad investigations, interlocking investigations, and planning investigations. I thought it was redemption. I said.

He added, “Maybe, since the creation of the Yun division, I am suspicious that he has grown into a single force by calculating his political actions with power ambition.”

[류영상 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
