Yoon Jung-hee’s younger brothers,’We made a petition… French neglect, not a property fight

“Sorry for socializing family affairs”

Insist on “Paek Kun-woo, Yoon Jung-hee, neither look for nor see”

Actress Yoon Jung-hee (left) and pianist Paik Kun-woo/Yonhap News

The younger brothers of actor Yoon Jung-hee (77, real name Son Mi-ja) repeatedly claimed through the entrance statement that Yoon Jeong-hee suffered from Alzheimer’s dementia and was neglected in Paris, France.

Yoon Jung-hee’s younger brothers apologized, saying, “We are sorry for socializing family affairs,” saying that the post on the recently controversial Blue House National Petition bulletin board was written by them. The petition claims that Yoon Jeong-hee is fighting the disease alone in an apartment outside Paris, separated from her husband, pianist Paik Kun-woo. Yoon Jung-hee was the first of three boys and three daughters, and his five younger brothers said in a statement that a lawyer was appointed to respond to the controversy on the 8th.

Yoon Jeong-hee’s younger siblings said at the entrance door, “When she was given the mother-in-law award in January 2019, only Yoon Jeong-hee returned to Korea, and when she returned to Korea in February, she had to go back to Korea. “In April, my daughter took Yoon Jeong-hee to France and entrusted it to a nursing institution for five months. I found a villa next to my daughter’s house, decided to live, and kept separating.” They explained, “Paek Kun-woo rarely visits or sees his wife, Yoon Jeong-hee, and the house where she lived is about 25 minutes by car and 21 minutes by train and the villa where Yoon Jeong-hee resides.”

In addition, Yoon Jeong-hee’s younger brothers revealed that the controversy was not related to the property fight. They said, “There are some who say that it is a property fight, but the domestic property in the name of Yoon Jeong-hee is two apartments in Yeouido and a deposit asset.” No. I just want to be faithfully managed for Yoon Jung-hee.” They also said, “I hope that Yoon Jeong-hee will return to Korea and receive warm care in Korea, and I have requested this from a hundred women.”

/ Intern reporter Park Yena [email protected]

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