Yoon Hye-jin, ♥Um Tae-woong “A good opportunity will come again”

[매일경제 스타투데이 김보미 인턴기자]

Ballet dancer Yoon Hye-jin boasted of her husband, actor Um Tae-woong, and a couple chemistry.

On the 12th, Yoon Hye-jin posted a video titled “I did an internal talk for the new year with my boyfriend (husband) who came back…” on a YouTube channel he runs himself.

In the video, Yoon Hye-jin had a conversation with her husband Um Tae-woong while eating late at dawn. The two people who have been married for 9 years said, “Time is really fast.

I think I got married yesterday,” he recalled.

The two, who said they had a lot of quarrels at the beginning of their honeymoon, showed the reality chemistry of the 9-year-old couple, saying, “I don’t have a fight anymore.” Eom Tae-woong added, “There are times when I can’t wake up, but there are times when I come out of me that I don’t know about.”

The couple also mentioned their daughter Zeon. Eom Tae-woong expressed his affection, saying, “Yoon Hye-jin and Zeon are attacking me with the two. If the two want to have a disagreement, they are sticking to my mother. Zeon is a lot of growth.” Yoon Hye-jin also said, “Zeon was really big. I don’t want to lie. There are many different parts from the past.”

Um Tae-woong, who was sentenced to a fine for prostitution in August 2016 and suspended his activities, has since been self-sufficient and has been resting. When Eom Tae-woong said, “I’m only at home so my daughter told me to do some work,” Yoon Hye-jin cheered, “You have to appeal that you’re working. There will be a good chance.”

Meanwhile, Yoon Hye-jin and Um Tae-woong were married in 2013 and have daughter Zeon Yang.

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Photo|Capture of Yoon Hye-jin’s YouTube channel

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
