Yoo Young-min “Won’s Word” Kim Tae-nyeon cut…野 “Lame Duck in earnest”

On the 24th, the passport, which had disagreeed with the establishment of the Heavy Crimes Investigation Office (the Heavy Water Office), which took the prosecution’s direct investigation right, fell into chaos over “whether the prosecution is adjusting the speed of reform or not.” It seems that the government and ruling party are rebelling against the Blue House, saying,’The speed control is right, we should do it’, saying,’Who says speed control is? We will go our way.’ The opposition party said, “The lame duck from passport is in full swing.”

Yoo Young-min “President Reveals the Meaning of Speed ​​Control”
Tae-nyeon Kim, “I didn’t do it” Operation Committee Workshop
Party’s moderate prosecution rebelled against speed regulation of reform
Yu, the date of controversy “It wasn’t such an expression”

The start of the theory of speed control was on the 22nd. Justice Minister Park Beom-gye, who attended the National Assembly Judiciary Committee, said, “There are two main words the President has spoken to me. He said that it is the settlement of the reform of the investigative rights that will be implemented from this year, and the second was that the ability to respond to criminal investigations and the capacity to respond to anti-corruption should not be retreated.” The adjustment of the prosecutor’s right, which was a pending issue of the current government, was organized to leave only six crimes (corruption, economy, public officials, elections, defense projects, and major disasters) to the prosecution after labor, and the police take the rest. In addition, the Democratic Party installed a heavy water office to deprive the prosecution of even the six major crimes and propose a bill to install a heavy water office that completely separates the investigation and prosecution. Accordingly, President Moon’s remarks, in the form of Minister Park’s message, that the “reform of investigative powers settled,” were interpreted as the theory of speed regulation of the prosecution reform.

However, some passport personnel made public comments that seemed unconcerned about this. In an interview on the 23rd, Rep. Park Joo-min, secretary of the Democratic Party’s Prosecutors’ Reformation Committee, said in an interview on the 23rd that “I have never heard of (speed control theory) officially or informally,” and on the 24th, “the’settlement of the system’ that Minister Park heard from President Moon was announced. It is not the pace of reform season 2,” he dismissed. Rep. Hwang Unha, who initiated the Heavy Water Administration bill, said, “I know that President Moon’s words are not about speed control,” he said. “It seems like an interpretation that reflects the wishes of the prosecution or conservative media.”

They also added greetings outside of Yeouido. Former Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae wrote on Facebook, “If we have to adjust the pace now (after the enactment of the criminal procedure law), the 67 years of wasting will be insufficient.” Cho Kook, former Minister of Justice, also shared an article by Choo, saying, “After the whole people witnessed the prosecution’s runaway, the National Assembly led the (investigation-prosecution) separation task in favor of realizing the task.”

Opposition Party “I’m sorry for passport personnel who refuse until the end of the President”

Gyeongnam Governor Kim Gyeong-soo, who is the’key to the prosecution’, said in a radio interview, “Even if there is a position on the speed control theory of the Blue House, the reform of the prosecution is decided through the law.” said.

'Adjusting the speed of prosecution reform'

‘Adjusting the speed of prosecution reform’

Another axis of controversy was whether President Moon’s remarks were interpreted as speed control. Minister Park Beom-gye said at a visit to the Daejeon Probation Office that day, “I did not express the president’s request in terms of speed control, but some seem to be lumped with such expressions.” “The president did not use that expression.” It evolved into the frame of’speed control interpretation is unreasonable’.

However, on the afternoon of that day, the uproar in the National Assembly’s operating committee grew even bigger. President Yoo Young-min, who attended the management committee, said, “The day Minister Park came to receive the appointment letter, President Moon made a request to adjust the speed.” In response, Democratic Party leader Kim Tae-nyeon, chairman of the National Assembly, said, “It wasn’t that President Moon said’adjust the speed’,” said Yoo, “I can’t remember the correct wording, but that was the meaning.” When Chairman Kim pointed out, “If you answer that way, President Moon used the wording of’speed control’,” Yoo explained, “The correct wording was not (adjust the speed), and he expressed that meaning.” .

Afterwards, Director Yoo got an opportunity to speak at the end of the meeting and said, “I confirmed it when I was on a regular basis. (President Moon) is not an expression of speed control,” he said, but it was not enough to calm the controversy.

As the passports made their own voices, a diagnosis was made that “the Blue House’s grip has declined significantly.” On the outside, it seems that there is a pain over the installation of a heavy water office, but behind the scenes, the airflow in the ruling party, “Is it necessary to line up with the president anymore,” began to appear without filtering.

Professor Kim Hyung-joon of Myongji University said, “In the past, I would have dared to say that’I didn’t get notified’ and’I don’t mean that’ over the presidential remarks,” he said, “a typical lame duck phenomenon at the end of the term.” Hyung-du Choi, a spokesman for the People’s Power, said, “I am worried that the appearance of passport personnel who reject the president’s theory of speed control is unfortunate.”

Reporters Song Seung-hwan, Sung Ji-won, and Nam Soo-hyun [email protected]
