Yoo-in Yoo “The smoking cessation period extended to life after 2021, thanks for your misunderstanding”

Yoo-in decided to continue his determination to quit smoking. SNS provided by Yoo-in

Actor Yoo-in decided to continue his determination to quit smoking.

On the 24th, Yoo Ah-in posted on his SNS on the 24th, “I am determined to quit smoking for the remaining 8 days of 2020 in the morning (24th) morning smoking cessation statement? I just threw rice cakes. But I was caught by your explosive support and news stories. No thanks, I decided to extend the smoking cessation period to life after 2021. I deeply appreciate your misunderstandings and expectations for mistaking 2020 as 2021, and I will hide well and become even healthier. “Success in quitting smoking!” was posted.

Earlier on this day, Yoo-in said, “I quit smoking. In 2020, I quit smoking and exercise harder. Let’s be healthy. I will save myself healthily. This is my first decision in a cigarette-smoky life. Congratulations. A healthier body. I will move well and I will breathe better. I will both rest and breathe.” It was mentioned that it was 2020, but many sent a message of support, hoping that Yoo-in will continue to quit smoking in the future.

In response, Yoo Ah-in responded with a unique and witty writing and declared that he would continue to quit smoking, creating warmth.

Meanwhile, Yoo Ah-in met with the audience through the films’#Alive’ and’Without Sound’ this year.

Hoyeon Lee reporter

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