Yoo-in “At the threshold of death, he saved me”… What happened to a 100 million won horse?

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Yoo-in “At the threshold of death, he saved me”… What happened to a 100 million won horse?

‘Goodbye’ by sending it to the tow truck of’Tesla Model X’damaged by heavy snowfall
Netizens’ pleasant reaction to “It’s like a father letting a son go to the army”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Kim Hak-jin |
2021-01-08 07:34 sent | 2021-01-08 11:15 Last updated

Actress Yoo-in Yoo’s Instagram capture © News1

Actor Yoo-in said goodbye to her foreign car, which was damaged by heavy snow.

On the 7th, Yoo Ah-in posted a video on her SNS.

The released video contains a scene where Yoo Ah-in’s car with a flat tire is being towed.

In addition, Yoo Ah-in is looking at it with compassion while sending her own car covered with snow on a tow truck.

In addition, Yoo-in Yoo said, “Goodbye X, you did your best…on the threshold of death. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a simple tire puncture. X He saved me!” I explained the situation at the moment with the writing.

The netizens who encountered this, responded cheerfully like Yoo-in Yoo, who coolly solved the situation at the moment, saying, “I’m like a father letting my son go away from the army”, “I wish you a high degree of happiness”, and “Is Tesla stock falling?”

In particular, the car is Tesla’s’Model X’, which was released by Yoo-in Yoo in last year’s MBC’I Live Alone’. The price is formed in the mid–100 million won. It is known that celebrities such as Jung Yong-jin, vice chairman of Shinsegae Group and broadcaster Seo Yu-ri, also ride this car.

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