“Yoo Catnip and Choi Gogi reunited?” The person appeared in the video (all the end)

The video uploaded by the best YouTuber on the 27th

Choi Choi clarifies rumors of reunion with Yu Catnip

Choi Choi, Yoo깻nip Instagram

Youtuber Choi Choi explained the rumors of a reunion with his ex-wife Yu Catnip.

On the 27th, Choi Go-gi’s YouTube channel said, ‘Choi Choi Yu Cat-nip did not marry again! Please do not make rumors.’

In the video, Choi said, “I turned on the weekend broadcast after getting permission from pine needles (daughter).” He looked at the comments on the broadcast and was surprised, “There are a lot of people who know that I have reunited again?”

YouTube’Choi Choi ENTJ’

In a direct search, he found a video on a YouTube channel stating that’Yoo Catnip and Choi Gogi decided to reunite’.

The video contained the remarks Choi Choi Gi-gi made to Yu Cat-nip on YouTube broadcasts in the past, as well as photos taken by the two.


Choi Choi-gi, who saw the video, was embarrassed, saying, “There is no matchmaking.” In the video, there were many comments left by viewers who misunderstood that Choi Choi and Yu Catnip were reunited. In the comment window, “It’s really good news. Live happily with the pine needles while relying on and understanding each other” and “Well done. Thank you both” followed.

Choi Choi-gi drew a line saying, “I think people in high ages believe this,” and “I didn’t reunite (with Yu Catnip).”

He said, “But I see Sesame seeds often. I met them again today.”

Choi Choi ended the video, saying, “I have to find a new love now, but I shouldn’t post rumors like this.”

YouTube, Choi Choi ENTJ

Reporter Yoon Hee-jung

[email protected]

