Yong-beom Kim, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Technology, “The discussion on improvement of the labor law system will evolve this year”

Yongbeom Kim, 1st Vice Minister of Strategy and Finance Facebook

[이데일리 김인경 기자] Kim Yong-beom, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, said, “This year will be a year in which discussions on improving the labor law system rapidly evolve in line with the trend of the times.”

On the 2nd, Vice Minister Kim said on his Facebook page, “Some time ago, the National Employment Insurance Roadmap was announced.” A plan has been prepared to step into the employment insurance framework.”

He added, “Specially, freelancers, platform workers, self-employed workers, etc. are different from typical workers who have long-term and subordinate labor contracts with the company. Most of the contract types are” he explained.

Deputy Minister Kim said, “The next task is to provide adequate protection for those who are excluded from the application of the existing labor laws (Labor Standards Act, Trade Union Act, etc.) and for atypical workers.

He cited two safeguards for atypical workers. “First, there is an approach that is based on the Labor Standards Act, but individually enacting laws that fit the characteristics of each field.” These include the Essential Workers Protection Act, which was initiated in the second half of last year, the Act on the Improvement of Employment for Domestic Workers, etc., the Living Logistics Act for Delivery Workers, and the Enactment of the Platform Worker Protection Act.

Deputy Minister Kim said, “There are also voices calling to go one step further and enact the’Basic Law for Working People’.” It is intended to provide a safety net for atypical workers by defining working people in the widest possible category and creating a law based on the’rights system’ of workers rather than the employer’s obligation system like the existing Labor Standards Act.

In addition, he said, “With the advance of the digital revolution and the emergence of the’Gig Economy’ In line with the trend of the times, the discussion on improving the labor law system will also be a year of rapid evolution.”
