Yesterday reported 4 adverse vaccine reactions, cumulative 156 cases… Nothing’severe’ (total)

Observation of adverse reactions after vaccination is essential

picture explanationObservation of adverse reactions after vaccination is essential

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Four additional reports of adverse reactions to the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine were received a day.

All reported cases were confirmed as mild symptoms, and so far, no case of suspicion of serious adverse reactions occurred.

The authorities plan to re-evaluate the safety and effectiveness of each vaccine after one month based on the suspicious reports received.

According to the Central Defense Countermeasure Headquarters (Bang Dae-bon) on the 2nd, 4 people who reported adverse reactions the day before were vaccinated with AstraZeneca (AZ), all of which were confirmed as mild cases that can be common after vaccination.

As a result, the cumulative adverse reactions after the start of vaccination on the 26th of last month became 156 cases. As of 0 o’clock that day, it accounted for about 0.68% of the total 2,386 inoculations.

Looking at the report rate of adverse reactions by vaccine type, 155 of the 22,000,191 cumulative AstraZeneca vaccinations were 0.7%. For Pfizer vaccine, 1 out of 895 cumulative vaccinations (0.11%) reported suspected adverse reactions.

This difference seems to be due to the fact that in Korea, the vaccination is still in the early stages, and the cumulative number of AstraZeneca vaccinations exceeds those of Pfizer vaccinations.

Cho Eun-hee, head of the post-vaccination management team of the Corona 19 Vaccination Promotion Team, responded to a related inquiry, “Because the frequency of adverse reactions may be different because the immune response is different when it enters our body system according to the vaccine manufacturing method,” he said. As it is the fourth day, we will evaluate the effectiveness and safety again in a month.”

Overseas, in the UK, as of the 31st of last month, the rate of mild adverse reactions by vaccine was 0.5% and Pfizer 0.2%, and in France, the incidence of mild adverse reactions per month was AstraZeneca 0.55% and Pfizer 0.16%. The class leader was elaborate.

All of the suspected symptoms of adverse reactions reported in Korea so far were mild cases, including fever of 38 degrees or higher, muscle pain, headache, nausea, chills, and dizziness.

Among them, there were two cases of high fever on the first day of vaccination, but as a result of checking whether they were severe, “both confirmed that high fever disappeared within one day,” said Mr. Cho.

In addition, there was no’anaphylaxis’ (severe whole body allergic reaction), one of the most worrisome side effects among the inoculations.

The quarantine authorities also cautioned against the distribution of unconfirmed’reviews’ through social network service (SNS) and comments as vaccination began in earnest.

Since anyone can get enough control, he asked for a formal report to the quarantine authorities if an adverse reaction was suspected. Adverse reaction reports are also used as official safety assessment data by the authorities.

“There is a method for the medical staff to report once a doctor receives treatment for an adverse reaction, or a method for the inoculation party or guardian to report it through the website.” “We continue to receive feedback for up to 6 weeks if we agree to receive text messages from them,” he said.

He added, “The current adverse reactions are statistics on the basis for reporting, and we plan to announce the overall safety evaluation based on these parts later.”

Gwangju vaccination center operation D-1

picture explanationGwangju vaccination center operation D-1

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The quarantine authorities plan to actively monitor adverse reactions that may occur following the introduction of new vaccines through various surveillance systems.

Adverse reactions can be common in the immunity-building process of a person vaccinated with any type of vaccine. Pain, headache, muscle pain, fatigue, chills, joint pain, and redness are common cases and most disappear within 3 days.

The most worrisome side effects after vaccination are anaphylaxis, which is accompanied by shock, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, and swelling of the lips and mouth.

As a result of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial, the Pfizer vaccination group amounted to 11.1 per 1 million people, and the Modena vaccine group amounted to 2.4 per million people, and there was no case in the AstraZeneca clinical trial.

As such, the incidence of anaphylaxis is very low, but even if it does occur, it usually occurs within 30 minutes after vaccination, so the authorities are advised to stay at the vaccination facility for about 30 minutes after the injection and then return home.


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