Yeonggwang-gun, held a resolution contest to condemn the military coup of Myanmar

Yeonggwang-gun, held a resolution contest to condemn the military coup of Myanmar


On the 26th, Yeonggwang-gun (Gun-su Kim Jun-seong) was hosted by the Health and Multicultural Family Support Center in Yeonggwang-gun on the 26th. ‘Opened.

The resolution meeting was held in the order of reading a resolution calling for the restoration of democratic order and condemning the coup of the Myanmar military, which declared an emergency and seized power in February, followed by a slogan of relief and picket performance by the participants.

The resolution urged the immediate cessation of the bloodshed across Myanmar, the prompt release of detainees, and the active response of the Korean government to restore the democratic order of Myanmar. He urged a lot of interest and support for Myanmar’s democracy.

“We, who suffered the same pain in May of 1980, know the pain of the people of Myanmar and the crisis of democratization more than anyone else.” We send our solidarity and support.”

Meanwhile, with statements and actions criticizing the military coup in Myanmar nationwide, Yeonggwang-gun is the first to express joint positions with local governments, military councils, and social groups.

Reporter Noh Hae-seop

[email protected]

