Year-end settlement from the 15th of next month… Card and pension deductions increase

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The year-end settlement for office workers begins on the 15th of the following month.

There are quite a few things that have changed from before due to the influence of Corona 19.

Reporter Jeong Jin-wook explains.

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For year-end settlement this year, the credit card income deduction will increase significantly.

It is applied differently depending on the time of use of the card, but from March when Corona 19 spread in earnest, the deduction rate has been doubled to 30% for credit cards and 60% for debit cards and cash receipts.

In addition, from April to July, the deduction rate rises to 80% regardless of category.

The income deduction limit also increases by 300,000 won depending on the total salary segment.

In addition, you can receive an additional 3 million won, including 1 million won for the use of traditional markets, 1 million won for the use of public transportation, and 1 million won for book purchases and performance fees.

The pension account payment limit is also increased, but for those over 50 years old with a total salary of 120 million won or less, it is raised to 6 million won.

Income tax reduction targets are also expanded.

Income tax reduction benefits are also applied to workers in leisure-related service industries such as creative arts, sports, etc.

In addition, marriage and child education are newly added to the reason for being recognized as a career interrupted woman who can receive income tax reduction benefits, and the career interruption period is extended to 15 years after retirement.

No tax on spouse maternity leave benefits and income tax reduction for outstanding returning workers in Korea are also implemented.

Data on the monthly rent for public rental housing, the cost of purchasing glasses, and the amount of actual loss insurance received are automatically collected by the National Tax Service and can be received from the year-end settlement simplified system.

The National Tax Service announced that it has improved the service so that all workers with earned income this year have to complete the year-end settlement before receiving their wages in February of next year.

This is Jung Jin-wook, MBC News.

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