Yangjetsu’s launch of criticized goods… High-level talks with only patriotism left

T-shirts containing remarks made by Yangjetsu political bureau officers during the high-level US-China talks held on the 18th (local time) are being sold at online malls. © News 1

Alaska high-level talks between the U.S. and China ended after a slanderous battle without any results. In China, souvenirs inscribed with the remarks of the diplomatic politicians of the Communist Party of Yangzetsu were released.

China news portal Xinhua Network reported on the 21st that products such as T-shirts, bags, lighters, umbrellas, and cell phone cases containing the remarks made by both political directors at the meeting are being sold at online malls.

The product does not deserve to say,’The United States wants to talk to China from a high place. Remarks made by the two political authorities at the talks, such as the Chinese do not go over such a method, are written in Chinese.

The product also includes the English phrase’Stop Interfering in China’s Internal Affairs’.

The price of a red T-shirt with the phrase posted on the online mall is 45 yuan (about 7800 won).

Earlier, in the high-level talks held on the 18th, both political members devoted 15 minutes to both speech and poured out a high-level offensive targeting the United States.

Aide Sullivan and Secretary Blincoln, who attended as representatives of the United States, both began an offensive on China’s’core interests’ by mentioning Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and Taiwan issues in their remarks.

In their remarks, both lawmakers emphasized that “Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan are both inseparable territory of China,” and “we are firmly opposed to US intervention in internal affairs.”

Then, both lawmakers mobilized harsh expressions such as “the human rights in the United States are at the lowest level” and “black people are being slaughtered in the United States,” accusing the Biden administration of being unworthy to criticize human rights issues in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.

Another Chinese representative, General Manager Wang, was uncomfortable about the announcement of US sanctions right before the meeting, saying, “We came here at the invitation of the US government, and announcing new sanctions is not a way to welcome guests.”

Shortly after the talks were over, the Chinese media reported that the comments of both political bureaucrats gained enthusiastic support from netizens and became a popular search term.

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