Former Supreme Court Chief Yang Seung-tae, who is being tried for being implicated in the’Abuse of Judicial Administration Authority (Judongdan)’, is attending a trial held at the Seoul Central District Court on the morning of the 7th. yunhap news
“A frenzy in the name of clearing up redemption has blown up to the judiciary.”
On the 7th, former Supreme Court Chief Yang Seung-tae, who was involved in the abuse of judicial administrative authority (Judgongan), and is being tried for the first trial for more than two years, made a remark on the 7th in the light of the Gwangpung. The trial was held two months after all three members of the court changed due to a regular greeting in the court in February. Meanwhile, other courts admitted Yang, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, as an accomplice for intervening in the trial.
Criminal Agreement Department 35-1 (Director Jong-min Lee) of the Seoul Central District Court held the 122nd trial of both former Supreme Court Chiefs and former Chief Justices of the Court Administration Park Byeong-dae and Ko Young-han (Supreme Justice) who were charged with obstructing the exercise of ex officio abuse rights.
Chief Justice Yang said in a court on the day that “the most worrying of our defendants is about predictions.” “At the time, the investigation situation was reported without ceasing during the investigation process, and all information was distorted and scrutinized in the process. “It made me soaked in the thought that people have committed a great deal of crime.” He added, “I am very worried that the predictions formed in the past can block objective judgment even when looking at the traces that have been scratched and passed by the craze.”
On the 25th of last month, the criminal division of the Seoul Central District Court (Chief Yoon Jong-seop) convicted some of the charges of abuse of authority, including former executive committee member Lee Gyu-jin and former court administration chief Lee Min-geol, and judged that there had been a’conflict’ with both former Supreme Court chiefs. . △ Gathering information of the Constitutional Court through dispatched judges △ Inducing the cancellation of the request for an unconstitutional proposal for the purpose of limited unconstitution of the Seoul Southern District Law △ The International Human Rights Law Research Society, etc.
Yang’s former Supreme Court chief side entirely denied the conspiracy relationship on the day. Regarding the prosecution’s claim that there was a trial intervention, he pointed out that “no matter how much the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, it is impossible to intervene in a judge’s trial, and a judge is not obligated to obey.” Regarding the allegations related to the Unconstitutional Proposal Office, he asserted that “I only learned the facts of the discussion posthumously, but I have never ordered or approved it.”
Choi Na-sil reporter [email protected]
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