Yang Jun-hyuk remarks “Luxury bags, more expensive than wife’s ransom” “It was difficult”

Junhyuk Yang, controversy about remarks in luxury bags. Photo = KBS 2TV’Salim Men Season 2′

[이데일리 정시내 기자] Former baseball player Yang Joon-hyuk mentioned the remarks of luxury bags that had been controversial in the past.

In KBS 2TV’Salim Men Season 2′(hereinafter’Salim Nam 2′), which aired on the 20th, the daily lives of Yang Joon-hyuk and Park Hyun-seon were drawn.

Earlier, Yang Jun-hyuk revealed that she presented a necklace and a luxury bag to Park Hyun-seon in’Salimnam 2’broadcasted last month, and said, “It’s more expensive than your ransom,” and climbed on the cutting board. Viewers pointed out that Yang Joon-hyuk made an inappropriate joke while comparing his wife to a luxury bag.

In response, Yang Joon-hyuk said, “I received a bad comment because I was talking about the bag a while ago and it was very difficult.” “I am a broadcaster and I was famous for baseball, wasn’t I? In a way, he is a normal person, but he was sorry that he would be hurt because of me.”

Park Hyun-seon said, “But in the first place, when the opposition to marriage was severe, my brother said,’Only trust him and follow him. I’ll make you happy.’ It was a great comfort and encouragement to me. It’s okay because I keep thinking of that,” said Joonhyuk Yang.

Photo = KBS 2TV’Salim Men Season 2′

Yang Jun-hyuk said, “Let’s show you how to live well in the future. It seems that I went well to marry. Everyone said their faces improved. People also envy you because you’re next to me.”

In response, Choi Soo-jong cheered, saying, “Everyone cheers for you when you see them living beautifully and happily.” Ha Hee-ra said, “There are a lot more people who are still cheering.”

Meanwhile, Yang Jun-hyuk married Park Hyun-seon, a 19-year-old younger on the 13th.
