[시사포커스 / 이근우 기자] Yang Hyun-jong (33, Texas Rangers) hit a home run in this first demonstration game.
Yang Hyun-jong scored one strikeout and one run in one inning, two hits (one home run), one strikeout, and one run in a demonstration game against the LA Dodgers in the 2021 season held at Surprise Stadium in Arizona, USA on the 8th (Korean time).
In this day’s game, Yang Hyeon-jong grabbed two outcounts and started, but the slider thrown against DJ Peters was pushed to the center, leading to a home run. Afterwards, he allowed a hit to James Outman as well, but came down after finishing the innings without a run.
After the game, Yang Hyun-jong said through a video interview, “It was more exciting than nervous. The batter was also at the plate, and there was a crowd, so I threw it fun. It’s not 100% yet, but it’s gradually improving. It is positive in terms of getting better.”
After that, about the fact that the change phrase was not good, “The overall change phrase went high. The straight ball and the balance were not good, so the change ball was not good,” he added.
MLB in the 2021 season will kick off on the 2nd of next month, and Texas will start with the Kansas City Royals. The spring camp time given to Yang Hyeon-jong remained about 3 weeks. Yang Hyun-jong plans to make up for his shortcomings during this period.
Meanwhile, Texas coach Chris Woodward is known to be impressed by the calmness of Yang Hyun-jong.